Something Bad

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Pearls POV

the last bell went off signaling the end of school I dropped my books off bye my locker and said goodbye to Chloe I went to the library where I work  and started my shift after everyone left it was about 9 o-clock miss. sanders the owner went home telling me to lock up when I was done. I finished putting away the last books at about 9:30 and went upstairs where the break room was I sat on the couch and next thing you know im asleep. I woke up coughing I looked around confused then realized I must of fallen asleep I looked at the clock it was already 11, "is it just me or is it getting hot in hear" I went to go stand up and felt dizzy I went the door almost falling down and opened it there was a fire on the other side of the door I panicked shut the door the walked over to the phone and called 911 "hello what do you need our assistance for--" " a FIRE! im stuck in a fire!" "okay ma'am please stay calm--" the rest was a blur cause right then I passed out.

Matt's POV 

as I was driving I was thinking about those girls 'what's wrong with  them?' I thought and just then I was passing the library when I saw something was wrong and realized it was a fire, I pulled into the parking lot and called 911, after that I was looking at the library and saw something in the window I got out of my car and saw it was broken probably from the fire then I heard coughing I looked up again just as someone passed the window, I quickly went to the front of the library and knocked down the door I went around fallen beams and bookshelf's then went to the stairs where, I went up a few broken then had knock down the door at the top it was really hard to see, then I saw something on the floor I ran over and knelt down it was that a girl she was unconscious her head was bleeding I flipped her onto her back and was shocked to see it was that girl Pearl. I quickly picked her up bridle style and brought her out of the burning building I put her down on the grass a good distance the building, then looked at her to make sure she wasn't badly burnt or anything, when I looked at her she was hurt but not from the fire she had cuts, bruises, and scares on her neck and cheeks, I couldn't help but notice she had flawless beautiful skin, other then the cuts and stuff of course, then I heard fire trucks, I looked at the clock it was 11:30, I called Oscar, and john and told then what happened and why I was late for our hangout night they said to tell them every detail when I get there.

they put her on one of the things, I was listening to what they where saying "she should have been able to breath by herself by now" the one nurse said her voice sounded worried "there was to much smoke in her lungs she needs to go to the hospital now, the breathing tank is almost out of air" this time a male voice " okay" the female nurse said before they loaded the ambulance and drove away,

I stood up worried "is she going to be okay?" I asked the guy who was speaking to the nurse "its had to tell she had a lot of smoke in her lungs If she didn't get out when she did she might have died, she also got a concussion and is in coma" he said with a sad look on his face "you can visit her tomorrow if you would like sir" I just nodded and went to my car and drove off to johns house.

"Dude what happened!!?" john nearly screamed at me as I walked through the door to his house Oscar was right behind him " okay let go sit down Ill tell you everything" I said walking towards his room. when I was on the sofa at the end of his bed in his room and Oscar, and john were on johns bed began telling them everything " okay so I was driving to your house and I was passing the library it was on fire so I pulled into the parking lot and I was about to call 911 I saw something pass in the upstairs window and was sure someone was inside so I went in to find a girl unconscious on the floor and when I  rolled her on her back it turns out it was Pearl" then Oscar spoke up "wai wai wait that girl from lunch?" I looked at him "yes, anyway like I said she was unconscious and she had a big cut on her head and I was gushing out blood, when I brought her outside I saw all the cuts and bruises on her neck and some on her cheek that couldn't have been from the fire" then johns face fell "do think when her and her friend were saying stuff about  her mother and being beaten you think they ment  her mother beats her?" he asked as if he were scared of the answer I think so" I said in a whisper. I finished telling the story "She's in Coma and Needs a breathing machine to Breath?" Oscar nearly yelled surprised "shhhhhh my parents and sister are sleeping" john whisper yelled at Oscar "sorry" blushing a little obviously embarrassed.


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