Chapter 17

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*Zoe pov*

We all entered the elevator with excited smiles. I hadn't seen most of our friends because we had been hanging out with Troye and Connor. It was nice to spend some quality time with them. Usually I will see them for a few hours and then we will have to go our separate ways but this event we have been able to see each other, a good few days.
"Do you think there will be a lot of people?" Troye asked nervously.
"I think there's gonna be like 10 to 20 people there maybe??? I'm not too sure myself. I wouldn't worry though" I said patting Troye on the back, he smiled at me and I smiled back. The doors opened and we stepped out. Jim and Tans room was quite far away compared to ours. It wasn't easy as all the corridors looked the same but we eventually made it to their door. We knocked and a happy looking Jim answered.
"Hi guys, come in" he said pulling the door open for us. We all hugged him as we entered. The room was full with familiar faces: Joe, Caspar, louise, Louis, Tan, Marcus, Niomi, Hannah, Grace, Mamrie etc.
The sound of everyone greeting us was so nice. We said our hellos and got a drink before sitting down in our familiar formation.
"So what did we miss" I said jokingly.
"Well Louise is pregnant, Caspar and Joe are in a relationship and Louis has been probed by aliens, so not much really" Marcus said with a straight face. We all laughed in unison.
"Wha..." Niomi said confused which made me laugh even more. I could feel my eyes starting to water.
"Oh god I've been here 2 minutes and I'm already in tears." I Said wiping them from my face.

We sat laughing at each other for awhile before Alfie suggested we played truth or dare.
"Oh god Alfie." Niomi said.
"No ham! I won't do anything with ham!" Louise said quickly. Everyone laughed at this.
"Who wants to go first" Alfie said through laughter.
"Jimmmm!!!" Tanya shouted from the corner.
"Truth or dare"
"Hang on I didn't even have a say in this. Ugh truth" Jim said giving Tanya a playful slap on the arm.
"How big is your willy" Louis said to everyone's surprise.
"Why do you wanna know" Jim said winking at him.
"Haha it's for a friend" Louis said back.
"It's big enough, isn't that right Tan" Jim said smirking.
"Jimmmm that's gross" Tanya complained "I don't like this game" she further stated.
"Louis, truth or dare?" Said Jim.
"I'll have a dare please" Louis said confidently. Jim started to look around the room for ideas. He spotted a bottle of hot sauce.
"Here" Jim handed Louis the bottle. "Chuck this". Louis looked at him like he had just asked him to down a bottle of water.
"Easy" Louis said, proceeding to open the bottle and chug the contents.
"Chug chug chug chug chug" we changed as Louis finished the hole bottle.
"Yay you did it" Troye said in a baby like voice which couldn't help but make us all laugh.
"Connor, truth or dare" Louis said coughing slightly.
"Oh erm idk." Connor said unenthusiastically, I slapped Connor on the thigh. "Truth" he said.
"Are you a virgin? If not who did you loose it to." Louis said as everyone Mumbled at this. Connor looked up blankly not saying anything.
"Erm" he said slowly. "No, I'd rather not talk about the time though" he said.
"How come? We're all friends here" Louis said truthfully.
"I guess. Well it was when I was 19, I went to a gay club and it was the first time I had ever been to one, I was figuring out myself basically. So I went in and sat down and this cute guy comes up to me and started talking. Long story short we ended fucking in the bathroom but before he had a chance to stick it in I ran out and vomited in the sink" everyone was silent. "Yep now I never want to hear that again" he said to finish off.
"Wow. Just. Erm. Wow" Jim said.
"Zoe truth or dare?" Connor said.
"Dare" I said. Goddamit if Connor gives me a bad one I'm gonna kill him.
"I dare you to make out with another person in this room that isn't Alfie." He said smiling at me. I gave him the evils.
"Wow Connor you're brutal" Joe said.
"Why thank you, how kind of you" Connor charmingly responded.
"Oh I don't know who to choose. This is so awkward." I said.
"Jim" Alfie said.
"No he's like my brother!" I protested.
"Troye" Alfie suggested.
"I don't think Troye would appreciate that." I said in Troyes direction.
"Erm" is all Troye could say.
"Kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss" the group chanted. "Go on!" Joe shouted.
"Sorry Troye." I said before I leaned in and kissed Troye. It was so awkward. I clenched my eyes together, I imagine Troye did the same. His lips were incredibly soft.
"Troye I think you have softer lips than me" I laughed pulling away from him.
"Aha well I like to take care of my lips" he said quietly.
"I bet you do" Joe shouted from the other side of the room. We all laughed once again.
"Caspar, truth or dare?" I said.
"Truth" he said blankly.
"When was the last time you, erm... did it." I said childishly.
"Like 2 weeks ago" he said through laughter. We weren't surprised if I'm honest. Caspar does get around quite a bit.
"Connor,truth of dare?" Caspar said still laughing.
"Truth" Connor said engaging in conversation.
"Are you in a relationship?" Caspar giggled.
"Not to my knowledge." Connor coldly said. I gave him a quick confused glance and then looked at Troye who had his head slumped over. Was there something I didn't know about? Maybe this is why Connor has been so moody. Maybe Troye broke it off.
After that we all got up and put so music on to dance to. I was dancing with Jim for a bit, making fun of his tiny eyes with Tan. Most of my favourite songs happened to come on and we acted like there was no cares in the world. It felt so good for once to just be enjoying what was going on.
"I'm glad you came!" Tan said giving me a massive hug. She had to shout over the music. I was sure we would get a noise complaint.
"I'm glad too. It's been really fun so far" I said hugging her tighter. Uptown funk came on at that point making us all jump into action, singing and dancing. We were all so hyped up.
"I'm too hot" I sang.
"Hot damn" Jim finished.
"Call the police and the fireman." We both sang. Ahhhh I did love Jim. After the track had finished I went to find Connor and Troye. I found Troye but no Connor. I didn't want to ask just in case Troye didn't want to talk about it. I walked over to Joe seen as he was sat down being quiet.
"Have you seen Connor, Joe?" I said getting closer to him.
"Yea he left not long ago. He said he would call it a night. How come?" He said.
"I have to ask him some stuff, I'll be off too then. Have a good time without me" I said giving him a hug before leaving Janyas room. I waltzed down the corridor to Connors room. It wasn't too much of a walk but I was still out of breathe by the Time I got there.
"What..." I said confused. His door was left slightly open. I slowly pushed it open not making too much noise. I scanned the room but couldn't see him. On my second search of the room my eye caught a light on in the bathroom. It lit up the door frame and part of the floor directly under it. I walked over silently. I could hear something but I wasn't sure of what it was. I pressed my ear to the door to get a better sound. I could hear quiet sobs coming from inside. I opened the door slowly.
"Connor?" I said entering the room. He sobbed even harder now at the sight of me. "Oh my god Connor" I said rushing over to him. He was slumped over resting on the bath tub. I pulled him onto my lap keeping him close. "What happened?" I asked rubbing his stomach. He sniffled back some tears. All that escaped his mouth was a quiet "I'm sorry". A cling sounded out.

The sound of metal hitting the floor.

I looked down to see a razor blade with a thick layer of blood.
"Connor you didn't." I gasped. He burst into tears once more. I pulled his shirt sleeve up to reveal his arm covered in numerous cuts. His arm was soaked in blood. The slices went from his wrist to just past his elbow. His tears were hysterical at this point. I couldn't help tear up myself. All I could manage to say was "why?". The sobbing boy pointed over to a corner of the bathroom. A book. I grappled the book and started reading. None of it really made sense to be honest.
"Page 50" he said. I flicked to it and proceeded to read.

Dear diary,
I don't know what to do anymore. I don't know if I love Connor or not. I love him as a friend but I can't see him as anything else. I can't break his heart, I still care about him. But i don't know if I want to pretend that I like him. It's not fair on him. Maybe I just need time. I just can't hurt him like this. If only there was someone in the pages that would answer me :(

"He doesn't love me" he cried. The tears fell from his face hitting his shirt. I closed the book and put it to the side. "I don't want to be here anymore" he said. I slowly rubbed circles in his chest. Kissing his head. "What do I do Zoe." He asked. I didn't have a clue.
"I think we should worry about getting you cleaned up first. I said still sitting where I was.
"Connor?" Someone called out.
Oh shit, Troye.

A/n so yea another chapter. WILD IS OUT AND I CANT BELIEVE IT. MY FAVORITE SONG IS BITE AND IM SO PROUD OF TROYE. I've been subscribed since he had 40,000 subscribers and now to see him living his dreams makes me so happy. I'm so proud of this little chipmunk. Hope you enjoyed this chapter!
Joey xxxxxxx

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