Chapter 24

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Connors pov


The drive home was silent. My head was swimming with my thoughts.

What if I didn't get to Troye when i did. What if I got there earlier. Maybe I got there too late. I just want to cuddle him and make everything better.

I pulled into my driveway and noticed a cold looking Joey stood in my porch. His head turned as he noticed my car. His hair was soaking, his clothes drenched.

"Joey? Why are you here? Are you ok?" I asked giving him my jacket to warm up. He was shivering but noticeably trying not to show me this.

"Where's Troye?" He anxiously said. My face slumped as I remembered the events of the past 3 hours.

"He's at the hospital. He's fine" I lied. Joey was a very sensitive person and he worried often so telling him a lie was the best option for him and for me.

"Oh my god, what happened!" He said concerned. I placed my key into the front door unlocking it.

"We'll talk about it after you get warmed up. There are spare towels in my room on my bed. Go get a shower" I said looking the wet boy up and down.

Joey walked over to my room and I heard the shower turn on. I went over to my kitchen and poured myself a glass of wine, chugging the whole thing.

What had I done to Troye.

I walked over to the couch with another full glass, my phone had been blowing up since I got to see Troye. Messages from everyone, asking what happened and if I was ok.

I didn't want to deal with anyone. I wanted to shut the world out, all I wanted was Troye.

I sat there staring at my fireplace, sobbing uncontrollably but in a silent, vulnerable way. Without Troye I didn't have a future. I had never lost someone before. And I didn't want it to start with Troye, my boyfriend.

Boyfriend? Was he my boyfriend? I mean, we have never actually confirmed our relationship. Maybe he didn't care at all. Maybe that's why he's never asked me on a date. The only date we have ever been on was with Alfie and Zoe and they organized it. Maybe I was just his little experiment, maybe he just wanted to company while he was away from his family. Maybe

My phone interrupted my destructive thoughts. A new message. From Tyler.

I felt my hands start shaking as I read the long paragraph.

From Tyler: Connor. I have fucked up big time. I'm a jealous little cunt and seeing you with troye made me so angry. I loved him so much. He was my entire world, just like he's yours now. I realize this is all my fault and how if Troye does pass away that I am going to be blamed for the rest of my life, I am prepared for that, I deserve the hate I will get and the friends I will loose. I just wanted to say that I am so incredibly sorry and I know you won't forgive me but please at least acknowledge my apology. I love you Connor, and it's breaking my heart at what I have done. Good bye I guess.

How the fuck did he think he has the right to be upset? I'm here crying my eyes out about MY boyfriend that is DYING in hospital and he's crying about "loosing friends".

Connor he deserves a second chance. Everybody does. Even Tyler.

I fucking hated my confidence but it was right. My hands quickly typed out a message back to Tyler.

To Tyler: you really have fucked up. Troye is in fucking hospital because of you. You have no right to ask for my forgiveness. But. Tyler, I think your being sincere, so I forgive you. I don't think Troye will. But I do.

I didn't think before sending it. He was an ass but he didn't mean for Troye to attempt suicide. He didn't know. He couldn't have known.

Another message interrupted my thoughts.

From Tyler: this is a big ask but I'm stood outside your door and I was wondering if you would let me in so we could talk. I understand if you don't, I'll just walk home.

I couldn't let him walk home, it's fucking torrential rain.

I got up from the couch and walked over to the door.

A wet Tyler was in the door frame. His face red from crying. He simply mouthed "I'm sorry" before breaking down in tears again.

"Come in Tyler." I said pulling the drenched rat in, I pulled his jacket off and gave him a towel to dry his hair.

"Why would you let me in, after everything I've done" he said through more tears as we sat down on my couch. I poured him a glass of wine and I finished my third.

"Because" I said unsure, I truly didn't know why I let him in. "Because Troye would've wanted me too" I lied. His eyes glistened a bit at this.

"I'm so sorry Connor. I'm such a fuck up, I've killed Troye Sivan. It's all my fault." Tyler started to break down. I pulled him closer to me shushing him and wiping the tears from his face. "Why are you doing this for me" he said through his sobs.

"Cause I forgive you." I still didn't know if I had 100%, I mean troye could die because of Tyler's actions.

Troye could die.

"Connor, can I tell you one thing." Tyler's face now directly in front of me, I took another gulp of wine. I had finished an entire bottle myself. "I love you" he said before pressing his lips slowly against mine. I didn't know how to react, but I didn't pull away.

Why didn't I pull away.

A/n short but sweet. It's bad but it'll do. Hope you enjoyed :)

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