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Whoo, a quick update! Rare for me lately, I know. Most of you probably recognize him, but that is the one and only Jasper Marks on your sidebar. ;) 

Sunlight streaming into my face woke me the next morning. I opened my eyes groggily, noting immediately I was too warm. Soft breathing next to me brought to mind the events of last night. I blinked to clear my vision, and saw that my hand was resting on Jo's bare shoulder, her head cradled on my other arm. We were spooned together on the large bed, our clothes still scattered across the floor where they had landed last night. Jo had most of the blankets wrapped around her, leaving only a corner of the sheet for me. Why wasn't I surprised? It seemed so....Jo.

I lightly stroked my fingers against her exposed shoulder, thinking about how great the previous night had been. I liked rough sex. A lot. And Jo.....whew. I had never experienced the true meaning of exhausting sex before Jo. 

Well, enough reflection. Cuddling definitely wasn't my thing, and neither was lingering around the next morning after hooking up with some chick. I threw my scrap of sheet aside and rolled out of the bed, running my hand through matted blonde hair. I glanced at the bedside clock as I picked my briefs up off of the floor. Seven o'clock. We would have to begin our journey to the airport soon. Knowing females and how much time they took to get ready, I decided to go ahead and wake Jo up. I realized with a light heart that I didn't have to worry about her being the clingy type, a part of the group of females that didn't understand the definition of a one night stand. She would be on her way to Russia by this evening, and not my concern. She could believe what she wanted; I wouldn't have to deal with her. 

"Hey Jo," I called, pulling on my jeans. I needed fresh clothes, but my bag was in the room across the hall with Ian. 

"Jo. Wake up." When she didn't stir, I reached over and gently shook her shoulder. 

"Hey sleepy-" My sentence was cut off as her blue eyes popped open suddenly. They settled on me just as her hand wrapped around my wrist with lightning fast reflexes. She twisted my arm and hooked her ankle around my leg, flipping me onto the bed and straddling me before I could blink. She pinned both of my wrists above my head, immobilizing me. 

"Jo. Calm down," I panted. "It's me, Cobalt. Remember?" 

Slowly, I saw realization creep into her wide eyes. "Oh my god, Cobalt, I'm so sorry," she apologized, looking embarrassed. 

For some reason, I felt the need to put her at ease, even though I was the one on my back pinned by a powerful female. Go figure. 

"It's fine, I was just trying to wake you up," I explained. 

"I didn't hurt you?" 

I wiggled my wrists inside her clenched hands. "You couldn't hurt me if you tried," I said cockily, though we both knew it was a complete lie. 

Her lips turned up in a grin. "Right. A knee to the groin didn't hurt you at all," she said, referring to our first night together. 

"It felt good," I lied. Her smile stretched wider, and I couldn't resist the grin tugging at my mouth. 

"You're a horrible liar," she stated, finally releasing me. 

"Only when I want to be," I contradicted. She rolled her eyes and got up, completely unashamed of her nakedness. Watching her roam the hotel room was making a certain part of me pay attention. Maybe there was time for a quickie before we had to get ready.....after all, I would never see her again after today. 

"I'm going to shower," Jo announced, holding a white towel. I sat on the bed, watching her every move. She opened the bathroom door and turned to face me. "Well, are you coming or not?" she demanded. "I can see that you want to." She motioned to my bulging pants. 

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