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Damon and Enzo were busy in canvassing the entire area . By then the most of the agitated mob had left. While Enzo was busy taking notes about the sudden shooting,Damon was scanning the area for a desirable spot from where the shooter had taken aim.

"Anything?"asked Damon as Enzo approached him.

"Nothing. Met all sorts of people making up stories saying he was James Bond and the Russians were after him . Even met one person saying he is Roy Miller. People can't seperately"said between real and reel nowadays."

Damon agreed.

"What about the little boy he was talking to? Where is he? Last I heard was that the little boy fainted and was sent to the hospital. "Asked Damon.

"Yeah, he is still there. What happened, did you find out our American sniper?"

"Nope. Still trying to find out the place, where the shot was fired from. But what I can guess is that the shot was fired from one of these high rise buildings"

Enzo said " well you have to give me more than th-hey! What are you doing"

Damon had gripped Enzo by his shoulders and was turning him around.

"Okay, Damon, is there any chance you are imagining me as a woman and you are trying to dance with me?I'd just like to point out this is very unromantic."

"Shut up! Enzo. Let me think. See, if you were Eric and you were standing like this, then the shot was fired from the back and it wizzed right in to your head, then the bullet came from that direction " said Damon pointing towards a set of high rise buildings positioned exactly behind Enzo was standing.

Enzo turned and smiled "And what are the odds that one of the buildings there is abandoned?"

Damon and Enzo climbed the stairs of the abandoned building. From the broken signs and leftover property it seemed to be an office. They had climbed four floors and now were gasping for breath. They had checked all other floor but had found nothing. As they reached the landing of the 5th floor, Enzo turned to Damon and gasped" mate, I don't care what you think,but I can't climb up anymore. "

Damon seemed to be unperturbed. He had not broken a sweat.

"Come on lazy bones! "

As Damon ventured out to check the fifth floor, his eyes fell on a cracked window. He pointed that to Enzo.

"So? The entire building is half broken. And all the windows are cracked."

"But how many of those windows have a direct view to the place where Eric was standing and how many had cigarette butts and mint scattered on the floor nearby?"

"Clever! Our American sniper fired from here. It's quite far away from the market place. This means our guy was a professional hit an hired by someone. We can call the CSU to canvass the area for more information."

"Cool! Let's go back to the precinct. I better call Sharon and give her the news."

"Of course, why not? "

"Don't do that."Snapped Damon.

"Do what?"

"That voice. There's nothing between me and her."

"Your blushing "

"It's a scientific phenomenon. ..which your too hot.."

"So I learned from my biology textbook. I also learned a human body feels hot due to activity of hormones while thinking of a woman"


"Who if I may add is oddly hot and cute and nerdy. "

"If you don't stop talking, I'll staple your tongue to your chin."

And they both continued arguing, as they climbed down the stairs.

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