Chapter 23

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*Grace P.O.V.*

        I can't believe I told my brother I love Matt, he is probably going to go tell everyone. I was just laying in my bed because everyone thought I was still sleeping but really I've been thinking. Rosie was crying last night with Tay because Shawn is leaving tomorrow, I feel like they might make the long distance work but that's what everyone says before the relationship crashes and burns. I decided now was a good time to get up because I was hungry. I decided to just wear sweatpants and a Magcon sweater and just change into jeans before the show. I walked out of the room and made sure no one was in the halls. I walked into the elevator and pressed the lobby button. I decided to vine. "Hey my peoples! I got another show today yay! Next week we are going to New Jersey! Come out!" I was really excited to go to New Jersey because two of my closest friends live there. As I was walking to the breakfast place Julia saw me and ran up to me to give me a hug. "Hey!" She said. "Hi." "Im leaving tonight." "What? Why?" "I was only supposed to be here a week." "Is Brent staying?" "Yeah." "Okay, well I'm gonna miss you." 

        I just walked away and went to get food. Someone tapped on my shoulder and it was Gilinsky. "Um Grace I don't wanna bug you but, why are you not wearing shoes?" "What?" I looked down at my feet to realize I was barefoot. I shrugged my shoulders and went back to getting food. I looked at the table to see where to sit but I didn't really want to sit there so I just started walking back to my room. I don't think anyone noticed except for Rosie because she texted me. 

Rosie- Where are you even going?

Rosie- Are you ok!?

Rosie- Shawn is leaving tomorrow and Julia is leaving tonight! Spend time with them!

         I just decided not to answer. I walked into the elevator with my plate of food. When it dinged I walked out looking at the ground and ran into someone and my food went all over the both of us. "Im really sorry." I said but I wasn't really sorry... "Its fine!" An australian voice said. I looked up to see Luke Hemmings right in front of me! "Wait! Your Cameron Dallas's sister! I met you at our concert!" "Yep! Thats me. What are you doing here?" "We are staying here for our concert that's in two days. What about you?" "Im here for Magcon." I said pointing to my sweatshirt. "Oh cool." "Can I do a vine?" "Yeah!" "Hey my peoples! Im here with-" "Her best friend Luke!" He said as he took my phone away from me. "So where are you going with a plate?" "I was going to eat it in my room." "Are you ok?" "I guess..." "Do you wanna tell me?" "Not really id like to forget it happened." "Sorry i brought it up." "Its ok." All of a sudden we heard loud voices and a lot of laughing. "CALUM! ASH! MIKEY! IM OVER HERE!" Luke yelled as the rest of the boys came over to me and said hi. "I remember you, you only went up to meet Luke!" Ashton said. I looked away and blushed. "And your friend only meet me and Ash." Michael said. "Yeah." "Luke, we have to go to sound check." Calum added. "Alright, see you around Grace!" Luke said as he and the boys got in the elevator. 

        That was just what I needed today! I was happy until I saw Matt kissing another girl in the hallway. I stopped dead in my tracks, turned around and ran to the roof. Where I looked at the view and tried not to cry. Im with Sammy... not Matt...  

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