Tests. They are tailored to leave you screwed.

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Every student has at least one test in their lives. Its inevitable. But tests should be Question- Answer. NO! Not anymore. People invented fill in the blank, Matching,  multiple choice and a bunch of other choices. Im going to break down the most unhelpful learning tools:

Matching- You match one phrase to another. Example 1 goes to A, 2 goes to B, 3 goes to C. Not 1 can go to A B or C or may not be used at all. Now how confusing is that? The logic is gone from that.

Multiple choice- Logic should play into this. Also Variety is good. SO if you wrote down a series of B's and A's so you should be putting down a D or C. Logic! not like 10 A's then 20 D's and then 1 B and the pattern again.

Fill- In- The- Blank- The blanks should be filled with key terms. Not "The, of, because, when, therefore". Spelling should be an extra mark. When you have to write in the words, spelling can  be an advantage or a disadvantage. True this isnt the worst way to test your knowledge, it is just spelling gets in the way. A person may know all the right answers and knowledge for that test but giving them a 50% because of spelling? Now that defaeats the purpose of that test.

Orals- I learn french as a second language out of force and no choices. I must have french orals. The pressure of doing well makes me forget every single thing i learnt, aka i failed.  But the key of getting rid of your fears or maybe its just mine is to figure out your skills and use them to your advanatge. i can speak in front of hundreds. but my tactics are a bit different. Considering my mind sets are different then many others. Change this classic method to your style, what makes you feel well. Have you heard of the Underpants method? imagining everyone else in Underpants... Thats a tad disgusting so i changed it to make me feel confident. Do the same.

Why do i get so off topic? Well, multitasking has its faults.

Have a good day! Thanks for reading!


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