dan 5

143 12 0


i heard from someone that you are dating someone now... fuck you.

i've re-written this letter many times because i come out as needy... which im not because fuck you thats what, bitch.

but who are they? do i know them? i better not... i would hate you even more if you started dating one of our friends.

sometimes, and this might seem super pathetic, i dream that we are still together. but then i wake up, alone and sad because you're gone.

oh! and pls tell me why i got a letter telling me to kill myself, was it you who sent it? phil, if it was i will slap you when i see you... if i see you.


p.s. wtf its been like four months and i still love you, you twat. :(

p.p.s. fuck u

p.p.p.s. jk ily, bitch :/

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