12 | Peace

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At the hospital
Mam you aren't in labor, your contractions are obviously beginning this month and you urinated on yourself. She said laughing

I sighed in relief and looked over at Rocky as his excitement disappeared.

He coming soon. I said squeezing his hand

He nodded and another smile crept across his face. My brothers and Taylor came in handing me clothes. I went into the bathroom to change and I heard Rocky yelling.

You got Chanel pregnant?! He said trying to keep his voice down

Unfortunately. Ferg spoke with no shame

Nigga wha-ho-why?! Rocky asked stuttering

You the one still fucking her. He said lowly so I wouldn't hear

There was silence.

I walked out the bathroom and everyone looked at me.

I laughed trying to hide my hurt expression.

I'll see you at home Rakim. I said walking out

I had no idea how I was getting home except Jermaine.

At the car
So wait...he doing what? He asked eating a fry

He fucking his other baby momma...well it's not his baby but he was still fucking her and had the nerve to get mad when I kissed you. I should of fucked you. I said babbling on

His constant chewing stopped and he looked at me.

Sorry about that J. I said feeling like a total ass

You wanna get even? He asked wiping his mouth

Jay. I whined laughing then hit his arm

Aye chill I'm just kidding...but that can be arranged. He said the last part lowly

Drop me off. I said between laughs

He nodded and bit into his burger again.

At home
Damn you live here. He said looking up at the house

Umm...yea. I said looking at it too

Why have I never been here? He said laughing

This is Rockys house. Promise not to come here unless I ask you to. I said seriously

Yea of course I don't like that Nigga anyway. He said with a sour face

Chill. Bye Jermaine. I said hugging him

Bye baby girl. He said kissing my head

Call me if you wanna get even! He yelled out the car as I reached the door

I flicked him off and he laughed then left.

I walked in and Rocky was there and he was cussing Chanel out something vicious.

I ignored it and walked by them up to the room. I ran myself a hot bath and dropped rose water in. I turned off the lights and lit a single candle. I shut and locked the door then stripped. I stepped in and sunk in the water until I was all the way under. I stay there for a while then sat up and rested my head on the side of the tub.

I watched the candle flicker until I heard a soft Knock on the door.

I said nothing I just sat there staring at the door. I looked back at the candle and the door creaked open.

I still didn't move I just looked as Chanel came into view.

She sat on the toilet top.

Ashlynn I'm sorry. I have been a terrible friend and person in general. She said lowly

I just hope that some day you can find it in your heart to forgive me. She said as her voice fell through

Chanel don't cry. I been forgave you. I said still looking at the candle

You did? She asked surprised

Yea. It's just no use fighting over Rocky anymore he is gonna obviously do what he wants so why worry anymore. I said in defeat

Wow you gave up on him? She asked coming to sit by the tub

Not giving up just facing the facts. I said looking up at her

Damn. You've lost some of your feelings for him. He's losing you Ash. She said with sorrow in her voice

I didn't say anything as to what she was saying was truth.

Well bye Ashlynn. I have to get out of here before he rips my head off. She said giving me a side hug

I hugged her back and continued to relax. In this moment I felt good and at


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