Chapter 9

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I pulled Parker out of the car and put upstairs in my bed. Grabbing coffee and water from downstairs, I ran back up trying not to spill anything. When I came back in the room, Parker was slurring in his sleep.
"Layla..." He kept saying my name.
Every time he said it, it got louder and stronger with feeling. Until he woke up with a jump sweating and shaking.
"Layla." He said as he cried. I've never seen him cry so much.
"Hey it's okay." I said as I held him. He wrapped his arms around my torso and put his head on my chest.
"You want to tell me want happened?" I asked him softly smoothing his hair out.
"I had a nightmare about you. W-What happened was that I gave you over to the doctor and they put you on the stretcher and you kept screaming my name. You-," he cried, "you kept calling me to save you.....and I get you back but......the police knocked me out and last thing I saw and heard was you screaming my name as if someone was dying. It was blood-curling." He said crying.
"Hey look I'm okay. I'm not at the hospital anymore. Your okay too. I'm here babe. I'm home." I said snuggling close to him. He stopped crying and pulled me close.
"I'm sorry." He said.
"Never say you are fucking sorry. I don't want to hear that shit. It pisses me off." I said running a hand through my hair. I bet I looked like a mess.
"Okay." He said pulling me closer.
"I have to take a shower." I said wrapping my arm around Parker.
He pulled me closer, so tight, I could barely breathe.
"Parker." I said starring at him.
"I'm not letting you go unless I can go with you." He said smirking.
"Parker!" I said laughing.
"Please....." He begged.
"I don't know. My dad is downstairs and my sister is-"
"I'll make sure I don't make any noises." He said kissing my forehead.
"Ugh. You know you are such a pain right?" I said walking into the shower in my bathroom.
"I know but hey......I'm your pain." He said closing the door and locking it.
I woke up next morning to the aroma of bacon and eggs. My stomach was grumbling. I was starving. I raced downstairs in Parker's shirt. It smelt like Axe and apples with traces of alcohol. But the alcohol wasn't really noticeable. When I got downstairs, I found Parker in a white undershirt and khakis.
"Hey beautiful." He said glancing in my direction.
"What is that wonderful smell?" I said sniffing the aroma again.
"Just bacon and eggs. No big deal." He said smirking.
"Oh God. Please give me some of that deliciousness." I said taking out a plate.
"I'm taken sorry babe." He said poking my stomach, which was growling at him.
"What do you mean your taken?" I said coming up behind him and wrapping my arms around my waist.
"I meant I'm taken by you." He said kissing my head behind him.
"Good cause if you were taken by someone else I would have beaten your-"
"You don't even need to finish that sentence." He said turning off the stove and turning around facing me.
"Why is that?" I asked him looking up at him, my arms still wrapped around his waist. He hauled me up onto the counter behind him and he stood in between my legs.
"Because I only love you." He kissed my nose.
"And I you." I kissed his forehead as he rested his head in the crook of my neck. "Do you want the food?" He asked looking up at me.
"Of course!" I said hooking my arms around his neck.
"First I want a kiss." He said waiting for his request.
"Fine." I kissed his cheek.
Horror crossed his face. I laughed.
"That's all I get?" He whimpered.
"What, do you want it all?" I asked him.
"Of course! I mean look at this package?," he said gesturing to himself, "What girl wouldn't give up everything for this?"
"Me!" I said raising my hand.
"Ha-Ha," he sarcastically laughed.
"You already gave it up." He said poking a finger at my stomach.
"Not so loud please. I wouldn't like the neighborhood to know that I did Parker Evans." I whispered loud enough for him to hear.
"More like I did you." He said smirking.
"Who did who?" My dad came in laughing.
My face turned red. I buried it so far in Parker's shoulder that I think I could have gave him shoulder pain.
"I did her not the other way around." He said hi-fiving my dad.
"Dad!" I groaned.
"Last time, she groaned my name not yours." Parker said wrapping his arms around my waist. I moved my leg so it was right between his.
"I swear to God Parker Evans I will kick you." I muffled.
"I'm sorry I couldn't hear that over the loud moans I heard yesterday from you Layla." He laughed.
And then I totally did what I wanted to do five minutes ago. I kicked him where it hurt. Not hard, but hard enough for it to hurt. I laughed and whispered, "Don't mess with me Parker Evans." As he grabbed his manliness and groaned in pain. He balled over on the floor.
"Hey Parker I didn't know I hit you that bad." I said kneeling next to him on the floor. He was still groaning in pain.
"Parker are you-
He grabbed me and threw me under him as he toppled over me. It happened so fast, that I didn't even realize what happened until I was under him.
"Gotcha." Parker whispered in my ear.
"Get off you pig. My stomach is growling at you." I said pushing him but not hard.
"I would never get off. I love laying on top of you. You are so comfortable. Like a huge pillow." He said putting more pressure from his body on mine. He crushed my boobs to my chest. I was flat against the floor now. He crushed my body so hard it hurt.
"" I thrashed.
"Never." He said letting go of more of his body weight. I lost feeling in my head.
"Parker get off!!" I screamed. He then got up.
I stayed on the floor, catching my breath and making sure the feeling came back to my head and my chest.
"I'm sorry." He said helping me up.
"It's okay. I just-"
"You don't have to say anything." He said bring the plate of food over to the table. He pulled out the chair for me and pushed me in the seat. He was trying to make up for what he did before. Parker sat down across from me , head down sitting in silence. His hands clutched together on the table.
"Hey," I said placing my hand on his hands, "it's okay."
He gave me a smile.
"You didn't know you were hurting me. It's fine. I'm fine now. My boobs lived." I said laughing.
"I can totally see that they lived. I was so worried they wouldn't." He said laughing.
I ate while he just looked at me. I didn't like people watching me eat but I was so used to Parker watching me eat because he used to watch me eat when we were younger.
"Let's do something." He broke the silence of me eating.
"Like what?" I said with a mouth full.
"That's for me to know and you to find out." he said winking.
"Oh my God you know I hate surprises. They get me really nervous." I said clutching my stomach.
"I know but this one you are going to love." He laughed.
"It's not funny. That makes me even more scared. Stop laughing." I put my plate in the sink and walked up the stairs into my room. Hearing footsteps behind me, I knew Parker was following me.
"What do I even wear?" I asked him.
"Those jean shorts and a t-shirt." He said pointing to things in my closet.
"Ugh." I groaned.
I ended up wearing a pair of high waisted shorts and a crop top that just covered my stomach. I wasn't one of those girls that liked to show their stomach. Covered to me is better than showing too much skin. Parker ended up taking me to a carnival. We got cotton candy and he won me a giant sized teddy bear. We went on all the crazy rides. I was a addict to crazy rides. Roller coasters, spinning rides, anything. I would never get sick and I would go over and over again. Parker on the other hand, threw up twice next to one of the rides. He was fine after though. We saved the best ride for the last. The Ferris Wheel. It was our favorite as kids because when ever we went on, we would get stuck on for some reason. Every time we went on. This time, it broke down too. We got stuck at the top. The sun was just going down. I took lots of pictures and we took a selfie together. We talked and then we kissed. And then we watched the sun set together. We had to be up there for at least an hour. It was pitch black when we finally got off the ride. I checked the time. 7:13. I had to be back home by 12:00. Curfew. It was reasonable though. Since I didn't go to parties much. I was going to call my dad to make sure everything was okay, but Parker got a call from him mom first. I tried not to listen but I caught things out of the air awake and don't know and how. But they didn't make sense when I put them together. Parker shut the phone and turned to me.
I waited for him to say something but he didn't.
"Let's walk." I said pulling his arm. We walked to the car that we took to get here. I opened it and I sat in the drive seat and he sat in passengers seat.
"Do you want to talk about it?" I asked him.
It took him a couple of seconds to answer back.
"About what?" He asked me starring straight ahead.
"About the phone call you just got." I said grabbing his hand. He pulled away.
"Hey.....don't be that way. I swear to God I will kick you to the curb Parker Evans," I said hitting shoulder. A look of horror crossed over his face.
"God dam it Parker, tell me what's wrong." I got out of the car and walked over to the passenger side pulling him into the back seat with me. Not to do anything sensual but just to talk so that if someone from school happened to be hear they wouldn't hear or see us. And we just talked. Next time I checked the clock, it was 9:48. I had a few hours left. So I took Parker to get ice cream. He said he didn't want to go home. So I told him he could sleep over as long as my dad didn't find him. Tomorrow was Sunday so my dad was home. But Parker could ring the door bell and I could answer it in the morning so that it wouldn't look like he slept over. We had a whole plan. Parker had told me what had bothered him and why he couldn't go home. It took two hours of explaining but I saw how relaxed he looked after telling me. Telling me that his sister was coming back for money and his dad wasn't something that I personally wanted to hear coming out of his mouth. His sister wasn't my best friend in elementary school. She was the girl who put blue dye in my shampoo one year and blackmailed me with photos of me in the girls locker room and other things I wouldn't even dare say ever again. Penny Evans isn't someone I would ever like to see in my life again. And taking a wild guess, I think Parker didn't want to see her either.

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