Chapter 3

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Being at school in a mood didn't mix well. Worse of all I had to get in trouble with the alpha. Who is very childish. Grinding my teeth I saw Quinn walk in his eyes narrowed. Just great the one person I didn't want to see. Staring at me clearly deep in thought I looked away.

I'd love to know what his thoughts are. Therefore I can hit him hard. "Shana hello? Are you okay?" Blinking I glanced up to see Maia who was glaring in return.
"What?" I asked.
"So... Could I burrow your homework?"

"Nope." I instantly replied.
"What I thought we were friends?"
"You bullied me for the last six years do you really think we're friend?" I asked sarcastically.
"Fine I'll take it!" She snapped.

Reaching out she went to grabbed it however I stopped her. Gripping her wrist I glared. "Stay away from me." I growled.
"Let go!" She whined her eyes wide acting innocent. "Miss she's hurting me for no reason!" She shrieked making me let go.

Grabbing my notebook I put it away. Her face twisted in anger which didn't suit her with all that makeup. "Mask finally peeling." I stated in a dry voice as she gasped.
"My makeup!" She gasped. Moron.

Hearing Quinn laughed made my day even worse. Ariana came over her eyes wide. "What happened with her?" She asked concerned.
"She's my homework buddy." She could see I was joking.

"So how are you? Didn't see at the gate." I asked.
"Oh yeah I was late. Sister didn't bother to wake me up."
"Wow." I laughed.
"She even said she wasn't my alarm clock." Grinning at me she did an impression of her sister.

"When will I be able to stay around yours?" Shocked I stared at her. Is she insane? "You see you stay around mine all the time however I never stay around yours!" She has a point.
"I'll have to ask." I mumbled eyes downcast.

"You better!" She laughed. Maybe they will let me? Suddenly the door flung open to reveal the teacher as well as a new student. "Oh my gosh he's so cute!" Arina squieked her eyes on him.

"Yep." I murmured focusing on my reading book.
"You didn't even have a proper look."
"Yes I did! Okay fine maybe a small glance but still!" Frowning at me she stared back at him.

"Please welcome Chase to our class." The teacher rambled before setting him a seat at the back of the class. Just as he was about walking past me I stiffened. The pack senses coming to me. Both me and Quinn growled quietly.

However it seemed he heard us since he also tensed. Damn why is there a rogue in our packs territory? Now the alpha will ban me from staying after school. Groaning I head-butted the table like I always do when annoyed. Quinn looked at me puzzled.

His eyes narrowed. You okay? He mind linked me.
Yeah I'm fine just annoyed.
Rogue? He asked in an amused voice.
Yeah. Looking at him in warning. Behave. The last thing we need is a wolf fight.

Seeing the warning in my eyes he rolled his eyes. How dare he roll his eyes! My nostrils flared and my anger rolled of me like a wave. He picked it up since he held his hands into the air in surrender. Getting hit in the eye by a note didn't help my anger.

Scrunching it up while I grabbed it I opened it. What are you? -C. Seriously that's what his message is to a girl. Not even a flirty one? Staring at it I scrunched it into a ball and threw it into a bin. Hearing a yelp I held a smug face all day well until break.

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