Chapter 4

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Quinn followed all over the place during break. "Do you mind?" I snarled so loud Ariana jumped. My superhuman senses went into overdrive as the pack members senses came into me. Happens Quinn is the worst stalker ever. Glaring at the place he was trying to hide. "Quinn your twice the size of that bin plus your shoes are sticking out." I explained pointing directly at him.

"Damn it!" He snarled kicking the bin which his foot got stuck in. Seeing him fling the bin around on his leg embarrassed me. Seriously? Turning around I tried to speed walk which Ariana didn't understand. "Hey wait up!" He yelled trying to gain my attention. Run Run Just keep on speed walking and he wont catch up!

Of course he ended up catching up after all he is a werewolf or shifter. Sighing with dread I could feel him behind me. "What's wrong?" Ariana asked me oblivious to Quinn following us. Turned out he was soon joined by the new boy. Why me? What have I done to deserve this?!

Please just leave me alone already! There's only one place they cant go. To the women hideout! In other words the toilets. Once in i slide the wall with a sigh. "Those two are so annoying!"

"Who is annoying?" Ariana asked tilting her head. She really didn't notice them following us? Sigh. "Chase and Quinn was following us." She nodded startling me. "You knew?" I stated. My face went blank. This whole time she knew and didn't bother telling me.

"I just thought they had a huge crush on you." Altogether there was three yelps. Mine Quinns and Chases. Wow she really has no idea well I guess she wouldn't. Huffing I got up. "What would you do if they admitted their love to you."

I'd most likely laugh! Or try to run as fast as I can. Might seem mean but I ain't looking for a relationship yet besides I want it to be someone I truly love. "Hmm I'm not really sure." I stated my eyes narrowed as I could hear Quinn snickering he's so going to get a punch in a minute.

"You see I've been thinking about it myself." Oh no. For the next ten minutes she had a speech about her dream boy. Ha! At least the boys suffered with me. I could hear their whines from down the corridor. Since they have super hearing they can hear it even from the class room.
"Suckers." I mumbled I knew they could hear me.

Ariana looked at me as though I was insane. "Are you even listening?" I nodded before I sighed.
"Ariana its times to go to class now." Her eyes narrowed and she glared.
"You weren't listening!" To prove I was listening I repeated some of her speech on the way to class.

Quinn and Chase looked like someone had been screaming in their ears. Smirking at them I did a wave and a love heart shape with my hands which made them groan. "How can a woman have so many wishes in one man? It's impossible!" Chase pretty much mumbled into the table. Even Quinn looked gloomy.

"Ariana I think the boys have a crush on you." The looks they gave me it looked like I had strangled them. Ariana suddenly looked disgusted. Which to me was a huge surprise.
"Ew no way!" Er. The relief on their faces was worse then her comment. However the looks after wasn't.

Sitting in our seats I could feel their glares even half way through the lesson. "Chase. Chase!" The teacher snapped angrily. "Have you go some strange addiction to Shana?" Both of our cheeks flared since he had no idea what the story is. Quinn on the other hand was chuckling. "Oh Quinn the same goes for you."

The teacher was unamused. Ariana was staring out of the window not even paying attention. "Hey Shana who's that? She seems to be waving to you." Glancing at where she was pointing I nearly had an heart attack.
"Jaz!" I yelped getting up.
"Shana whats wrong?" Sir asked me.

"Can you excuse me?" Running from the class as fast as I can. I ran out of the corridor and outside to the gate. "What are you doing here?" I roared.
"Sorry. But there's a problem. Another pack is coming to this school." That's not really unusal they come and go. Sometimes they stay for a while.

"So?" She blinked at me and looked nervous.
"It's a pack of males looking for mates in other words females." Oh just great. Having to deal with highly aggression male werewolves looking for any female is not good.

"To the main point why are you here alone?" She suddenly looked nervous. "You snuck out didn't you?" My voice held disbelief. She managed to get away from the alpha. She needs to teach me how. Anyway shes in big trouble with him now.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 09, 2015 ⏰

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