Chapter 2

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Reaching the meadow I felt the presense of a member of the pack. Quinn. Training was basically to fend any threat Werewolves ect. Either way I was sore really sore in the morning.

Not taking any mercy he charged towards me the usual. Flipping out of the way I jumped up and reached the lowest branch on the closest tree. Turning around he went and grabbed my feet pulling me down.

Bumping my butt I glowered. "No need to do that!" He laughed At that making me want to strangle him. Noticing my look he grinned.

"Well if I was an enemy I would of torn you down So dont complain," He barked seriously barked. Huffing since I had no snappy reply. Smug with my no reply.

He continued, "The idea of climbing the tree was a great idea however move a bit faster." I smiled at his compliment. Getting back up we got back on. This time I climbed the tree before he caught me I even kicked him in the face.

I'll admit it I did feel sorry about it until he swore under his breath. About me. Snickering up the tree I watched as he huffed. "You've forgot something important..." That made me curious.

"What?" Before I noted what happened I was shoved of the branch by him. "How?" I said confused as I landed on the floor on my feet.

"Never go on the lowest branch when the wolf could jump twice as high." What! No way! Turning around I went to stomp off but I ended up getting pinned to the ground. "And never turn your back on the enemy."

My lips curled back showing I was angry. His face expression showed amusement. "A face like that would scare the devil." That did it my rage got out of hand. I've always been bad tempered.

Fight fight fight

Blood blood blood was the thoughts went through my head reading them he pinned me. My fighting skills are better than any Wolf, Surpisingly. Grinding my teeth I struggled, I hate getting pinned!

Growling at me I saw him stare me in the eyes. Ranks were important in the pack. Im not giving up. Him being in second command didnt help. Still staring I felt my eyes sting. Yet still I didnt give up making him use the pack bond.

Submit Submit Submit was all he thought as well as Protect. I ignored the last one. My eyes starting pouring with tears. I heard his Wolf whine. Why don't I just give up? Well as you can probably tell I'm a very stubborn person. My eyes half closed as they tried to force me to blink.

Like in hell I'm going to submit to this jerk. Making an human growl in frustration I glared as much as I can. That is until he shifted and physically snapped his teeth in my face. Yelping in surprise I closed my eyes and curled up in fear. I might live in a pack of wolves doesn't mean I'm used to their shifts and aggression.

All of a sudden my anger flared to the highest point. Kicking my legs my eyes glowed with rage, hitting him straight in the legs I made him fall backwards where I pinned his wolf body. "Weak move. You forget I'm only human so you use your advantage?" I hissed.

I could see his wolf was fighting him not to attack me. Getting up I stormed off. Wrong move. Feeling him running to me it was too late. Having him sitting on my back I barely managed to fling him off. Baring my teeth I pretty much made an not so girly like roar. "Leave me alone we're down with training!" I boomed.

Finally he left me alone however didn't hesistate to tell the alpha. Due to the fact I now have him at my house his eyes flaming. Sam was so furious it made me wince. "What did you think your doing?" He snapped.

"Oh don't start!" I growled furiously as Jaz came running over to me.
"You attacked a member of the pack. Better yet that of the beta your lucky he didn't kill you!"
"He shifted and snapped into my face! What else should I have done?"

"Submit straight away. You forget your only a human." He replied making my body stiffened.
"Maybe you guys should remember that more as well!" I yelled straight in his face.
"Shana don't you dare speak to me like that!"

I could feel the air spike in threat. "Fine." I mumbled looking away.

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