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"Come out little girl I'm not going to hurt you." A shivering voice said. The wolf man was looking for me. Wishing my parents were here I began to gulp down air. "I can smell your fear!"

Hiding under the trapdoor which was under the rug. My breathing became quicker hurting my bruised sides. Hearing a creak above me I curled into a ball. Being only three at the time I had no idea what was happening, the only thing I did know was that he was a threat.

"You cant hide forever come on out little one," He said in a voice that was meant to make me crawl out. Fear gribbed me enough to make me not move. Dust made me want to sneeze I held it in. Hearing something smash up above I began to shake.

Growls echoed the house making me cover my ears, tears falling down my cheek. The trapdoor opened and a man around thirty was standing there his face full of shock and concern.

He didnt cry out threat. Holding out his hand I could tell he wanted me to hold it. Uncertain I didnt grab it trying to reach me I stumbled back. Making my side hurt more. Taking his hand back he just... Stared.

Sadness was on his face. "Carrie!" Was all he said. In an instant a female was standing beside him. Once she caught sight she drew in a breath.

"Was she what he wanted why her?" I could see anger take her features as she looked at the man. 'Why her?' Why me? They had said it like the man had a reason for what he was doing.

"Hunger prehaps?" He said it uncertain. His eyes looked me up and down. My Black wavy hair was messed up my clothes was dusty. My green eyes held fear.

"What I want to know is why shes alone?" The girl whispered her eyes sad. The guy frowned before looking at her. They stared as though they were speaking quietly. Turning her gaze to me she spoke. "Whats your name dear?" She asked with a Small smile in a friendly way.

"M... My name is Shana." I stuttered in my Small voice. She instantly grinned. "Who are you?" I asked.

"My names Carrie and this is smelly Sam." She said pointing to Sam who glared making me giggle which came as a rough cough. Making them frown.

Slowly I began to lose conciousness. Darkness soon fell on me.

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