Chapter Twenty-Two

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Rule Number Twenty-Two: Love Hurts

Please tell me this is another one of my nightmares. Because if I were awake, I wouldn't be on my knees on Lucy's porch, crying like a wuss. Unfortunately, Lucy's curses and gasps and the sudden feeling of electricity running through my body as she dropped down and hugged me to her told me this was most definitely not a nightmare. I can't believe I'd just blurted it out like that. I'd come here with the intention of telling Lucy about my nightmares and of winning her back, but I hadn't counted on my crying like a damn baby. Men don't cry. At least not real men. After my father died, I didn't think anything could hurt as badly as the pain the accident caused, but here I was, bawling like a baby in Lucy's arms. She was rocking me back and forth in her arms, holding me tight and whispering over and over again that she was so sorry. I'd come to apologize and beg for her forgiveness, but I should have known that she wouldn't just accept an apology and take me back just like that. That wasn't the Lucy I knew; wasn't the Lucy I was in love with.

The Lucy I knew would make me work for her, and that's exactly what I knew she would do. That's what she had done. Only she hadn't meant to push me so far. Now I was having a breakdown on her front porch, crying and blubbering and apologizing to her over and over again. She hadn't deserved what I'd done to her. Nobody deserved that. It was horrible and wrong and completely inexcusable. But Lucy had a big heart, and I could only hope that she'd be able to take me back. I'd do anything she could possibly ask for if it meant getting her back.

"Ssh, ssh, it's okay, Natsu, it's all going to be okay.I'm right here honey, you have me right here," Lucy crooned in my ear, pressing my head into the crook of her shoulder.

"Um, did I come at a bad time?" A voice suddenly asked, and I immediately stifled my sobs, horrified to have been caught crying.

"Can't you see I'm busy, Juvia?" Lucy snapped, tucking my face deeper into her neck to hide my tears from Juvia.

"My poor baby! Do you need a hug?" Juvia said, all concern and flirtiness as usual.

"Beat it Juvia. Go swap spit with your boyfriend," Lucy said dangerously, her voice menacing and filled with threats. Oh yeah, Lucy was one tough cookie. I love cookies. Especially the tough ones.

"But Lucy, we're supposed to go prom dress shopping," Juvia whined, stamping her foot in protest. Despite my tears I smiled. Juvia was such a drama queen. She'd taught Lucy well.

"I have more important things to do than shop for a dress I'll wear all of once, Juvia. Take Gray with you and spend time with him." Lucy held on to me even tighter, and I gasped for air, surprised at how close she was holding me. Geez, I felt like I was turning purple. Juvia made a sound of protest, but I felt the glare emanating from Lucy's face, daring her to fuck with her, and she shut up and walked off, but not before huffing and grumbling about not being appreciated. Juvia was so funny.

Lucy's arms suddenly left me and she stood up, leaving me kneeling on the ground, still sniffling slightly. She reached a hand out to me and I took it, pulling myself to my feet and shoving my hands into my pockets awkwardly.

"You should have gone out with your friends," I said gruffly, deepening my voice so that it didn't sound squeaky and scratchy like it always did after I cried.

"Natsu Dragneel, don't you mess with me. I'm not in a very good mood, and you don't want me to be angrier then I already am," she warned, her vibrant brown eyes showing me openly that she wasn't lying. "Listen Natsu, we need to talk, but I don't want to be cramped into the house with you; it'd be too awkward. Let's go to the park," Lucy suggested, jerking her head down the road in the direction of the park.

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