7. Mathematics and P.E

45 7 14

My alarm clock wakes me up. 6.00 am. When I get this weird feeling (sort of, not like you wanna fall asleep again, but like, you're just waking up, feeling really hazy.) I realize that I'm not in my own bed. Where am I?

I turn around in panic. There's some mumbling. Someone has his or hers ( I'm now officially freaking out ) arms around me. I make a soft noise. The person sleeping next to me, wakes up. Oops. "Hey Mia, why are you up so early? School doesn't start until 8.30 a.m. You do know that don't you?" And then I'm completely aware of the fact that I'm lying in my boyfriend's bed, his arms wrapped around me, and he's semi nude. He hugs me and cups my cheek. "Go back to sleep Mia, I'll drive you to school, there's no need to worry. Come and lie down with me for five more minutes."

He pulls me closer. Then a shadow is being cast over my head. Ryan's leaning with his face above me. He leans in to kiss me. I kiss him first. "Well that's a good start, can I have you as my alarm clock? For the rest of the year of course. Your salary is having the honors of kissing me." I laugh and swat his arm. "Ryan, I need to get up. Let me go. Now, and no I don't want to be your alarm clock." He chuckles lightly. Then places a kiss on the top of my head. I blush at this little very cute gesture.

Then I groan and get up. I place my earplugs in my ears and hum along to "stop, stop it by Got7" Ryan places a pillow over his head. "Mia, will you please shut up? You're a terrible singer/hummer. Please my ears can't handle this at this time of the day." I throw a sock at his face. I fail to succeed. He laughs, mean boy.

I get ready for school, brush my hair and teeth. I put my hair up in a ponytail. The new rule at our school? No more uniforms. Thank heaven for that new and improved rule. I get dressed. I put my hair up in a messy bun. I exit the bathroom.

I only have 30/40 minutes till school starts. I enter Ryan's bedroom, it's empty. Where is he? I walk down the stairs.

The sight of Ryan's mom, Annabelle, cooking breakfast. She's making scrambled eggs. I help Ryan with preparing the table for breakfast. I'm kind of in the mood for a corny joke. "Hey Ryan, what does the mustard say to the mayo in the race?" "No idea?"

"You better Ketchup" Ryan's laughing so hard, he almost chokes. I pat him on the back. Annabelle is humming along to the radio.

"Breakfast will be ready in 10 minutes, how'd you sleep?" "Good, and what about you, ma'am?" She laughs a little and nods. I put in my earphones. Humming along to AOA 'heart attack'.

Ryan pats me on my shoulder. My defensive modus pops up. "I KNOW HOW TO KICK YOUR ASS! HIYAAAH!" Annabelle and Ryan both laugh. "Oops." Annabelle places the plates filled with scrambled eggs on the table. "Enjoy your breakfast, I need to go to work, goodbye Ryan, Mia, it was nice to meet you."

Was? What's that supposed to mean? She thinks I'm just for a week or something? I'm officially offended. Suddenly I'm not so hungry anymore. Luckily I put my lunch money in my schoolbag. And my breakfast. A muesli bar.

"Ryan, are you finished, I want to leave early so I can talk to Jeremy before the lessons start."

Ryan eats even slower. "Not funny Ryan. Okay maybe it's a little funny." He sighs and then cleans the table, places his plate in the sink and goes upstairs to brush his teeth.

I follow him. I need to get my schoolbag. And brush my teeth. I brush them, sort of. I actually use some toothpicks and chewing gum to have a minty breath. I accidently fall against his closet. Something falls off the top. A little tiny box. Its insides shattered all over the floor. "Shit." I mutter under my breath. When I look closely at the pages, I see that they're letters. Or pages of a diary.

August 23 - 2015
Saw Mia Vegora today, she looked pretty, she would easily be popular. If she dumps that terrible friend of hers. Jureumy is his name, at least that's what I understood. They were talking about Harry Potter, Mia hummed along to a Korean pop song. "Jeremy, look, that's Tom Ronalds. He's such a jerk. I heard he dumped Bethany Mort, within two days, they had intercourse and then he left her for Rose Putten, you know that girl from senior year. With the long brown hair. With the freckles." Jeremy is his name. He looks at her like she's a goddess. She is. Her fists are closed and she's looking furious. Is she a feminist? What's the thing that she especially hates about Tom? I mean he's a good guy. I'm just like him. I throw woman away like used tissues. I take them for granted. I'm glad she doesn't pay attention to this fact. She probably doesn't even know who I am. I like her, her body, every inch of it. I want to kiss her. And punch that stupid Jeremy in his face. Spoke Tom about the "bet" I want to win this bet. I'll get 1000$ for it. I simply have to be in a relationship with her, too bad she is younger than I am. Or whatever, but if she gets into a relationship with Tom, for a week, I'll have to pay him the thousand dollars. I don't have enough money. I will have to steal her. Away from him and his needy cock. The bell rings, I'll skip this lesson. I'm going to take a look at her profile on Facebook. See what she's up to. What she likes. If she has siblings. Maybe even set a background on my telephone of her. I don't know yet.

The Bad And Infuriating ✅ (Slowly Editing) 2015Where stories live. Discover now