14. Tyler Hoechlin And A Jealous Ex

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Ryan Parkers POV:

I can't believe she is actually dating Tom. What is it about him? Is he good looking? No. What about his money? Is she a gold digger. I want her back. I already regretted my decision, the second I made it. But now I regret it even more. I need to win her back. She looked so hot today. Jeremy flipped, I did too.

What Martin Mcbeal said about her, asking what she costs, was really insulting. She was almost crying. She excused herself, with a silly little joke. I wanted to follow her, but Tom was already on his way. This looked serious. They were really dating. Should I tell her how I still feel about her? Or would that piss her off even more?

I don't remember who I was, before Mia came along. I'm starting to look like a girl. I've got to make sure I'm not turning into one. I need to get some action.

Fiona. She looks like Mia, fair enough right? I'll ask her to go with me to that party from Chonger. Bet she'll join me. Then I'll kiss Fiona in front of Mia and make her jealous. This should work.

When Tom returns he grabs his car keys, and greets his friends. "Where are you going? What's with Mia? " "Oh, I'm just bringing her home, she doesn't feel well, she has a bit of a headache. So I thought, why dont I just bring her home?" I grunt softly. He is trying to get in her pants. I hope she realizes this. I really do. "But I could have brought her home." "Yeah, you could have, if you would have been her boyfriend, but oh wait, you're not. So Fuck off."

I raise my fist but some dude named Dylan holds me back. "Bro, he's not worth it." I nod, in disagreement and then turn around to get a hold of my anger.

"And maybe, who knows, we'll even end up sleeping together, she's amazing in bed, but wait you haven't had the chance, too bad dude. You don't know what you're missing."

I then I try to escape from the arms holding me back. "Tom, stop it, you don't need to show her off, everyone can clearly see that you guys are made for each other, stop jerking off on Ryan. This is already hard enough. Seeing how his ex sleeps with all these random guys, she's such a whore. But damn those titties are fucking hot." I want to punch Brian in the face, but I don't do it, because he's two feet taller then me.

I've had my chance. But I just can't let her go. I love her. Maybe I should propose to her? Nah. Not a very great moment. Or whatever. I'm rambling. Word vomit in my brains.

There is one thing I'm sure of.

I'm going to win Mia back.

Tom Ronalds POV:

I don't want to stop, jerking off on Ryan. He must really hate me. I don't give a fuck. If i'm lucky, Mia and I will be doing it. Guess who's laughing now, Parkers?

I like Mia, but she doesn't know, does she?

I bet she doesn't. That's a relief, it really is.

She looked so damn hot, but still she's sweet and innocent, like a petite flower. God I'm turning into a douche, just like Parkers. Fuck. I, she hasn't lived her life yet. And it deserves to be lived.

So I'm going with her to a party. Chongers party to be exact.

There will be some XTC and some weed and of course booze, lots and liters of booze.

Has she ever drunken a drop of alcohol?

Probably not, she's such a goody-two shoes. I should do something about that fact. I really should.

And now, I'll bring Mia home, she doesn't feel well, guys can be jerks. I'm such a douche. I need to be careful to not ruin my image, reputation. Monogamy is your dead. Every night with the same woman? Yikes.

Mia's already sitting in the car. She's leaning against the window. I open the doors, she takes a seat. And then I drive her home. She's almost sleeping.

When we are standing in her driveway, I'm waiting for her to find the right key. She's snoozy. And she takes a seat. She's not sleeping on the couch. I won't have it.

"Come babes, stand up. You're not sleeping on the couch, I won't have it, come on." She doesn't move. She frowns and looks like she's in a lot of pain. Oh fuck, where does she keep the aspirin?

"Mia, come on. Oh- Wait, don't be scared." I lift her in my arms. Bridal style.

God I'm such a romantic . Not. I snort at my own thoughts.

I lift her up the stairs. I open a door. Not hers. The next one? Nope, wrong. Bathroom. How many doors are there left? Maybe the one on the right. Nope. Her parents, that one, with no door. Only strings of beads. Nope. That one there? It leads to the stairs to the attic.

I walk up the stairs to the attic. Mia is so light. She's very thin, now that I take a closer look.

There are posters hanging everywhere. Got7, BTS, EXO. The Beatles. Hmm, I like The Beatles. Her curtains are open, I lay Mia on her bed. She immediately dozes off to sleep. I walk over to her window. And close the curtains.

"Tom, what are you doing?" " I'm closing the curtains. Why? What did you have in mind." I wiggle my eyebrows at her, only to realize she's closed her eyes. I'm such a smart guy. I smirk at my reflection.

"Mia, I'm leaving. Okay? I'm going back to school, call me when you need anything."

She sighs, "I can stay here with you?" I hate that my tone is suggestive. "No, go to school, you need it harder than me, your grades suck, - she breathes and exhales- balls." Then she giggles. And opens her eyes. "Okay fine, but call me, okay?" She nods and then lays down, closing her eyes.

I walk over to the bed and kiss her on the forehead. She's already in dreamland.

~ Okay whadda ya think? * Wiggles eyebrows * Tom with a softer side. IT'S POSSIBLE!!! It really is. I love writing this side of Tom and the ( not really rebelling ) rebelling side of Mia. She finally sstands up for herself. Instead of constantly being the damsel in distress. If my chapters are short: I'm sorry. They're always at least 1000 words. And sometimes more. I'm going to a schoolparty ?!?!?!?!!? I'm socially awkward, so this will be fun. ( No it won't )

Shout outs to my loves:




Vote for this chapter if you're TEAM STEREK, Tyler Hoechlin is so cute ; )

Bye. ~

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