Going Camping...ish

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Going Camping...ish

We had gotten permission to drive the van behind the bus as long as we took Adrian and Briley with us. We would fit because Jane has been kicked to the curb.

She had the nerve to come to movie night too. She said that she only wanted to keep her position on the cheer team. She chose popularity over her friends.
I am proud to say that bitch's face may never be the same again.

But anyway, we had seen pictures of where we would be staying and it was beautiful. The cabins were large, but there really wasn't enough of then to have one each.
People had switched cabinmates until everyone was happy.
I didn't really have a choice in the matter. It's not that I didn't like Adrian, he's pretty cool, it's that the only time he felt comfortable around me was when I couldn't breathe.

When I had an attack he was the most chill person around. I had had five attacks in four days. That was nothing, I had once had fifteen attacks in a week. Life was going pretty well for my lungs.

It was seriously getting on my nerves. I had given him no reason to fear me or be nervous, yet he still stayed guarded and anxious around me.

We got to the cabins late afternoon and the monitors and supervisors told us to settle in and all the fun would happen tomorrow.

I finished unpacking and went into the kitchen. When people had complained about having to cook a teacher had shouted, 'This is why we give you home ec.'

Adrian automatically tensed when he saw me..

"I'm not gonna hurt you,ya know. There's no need to act like I'm a wild animal that needs to be caged. If you do, this is going to be a very long two and a half months." I told him as I got a glass of water.

"I don't know that. Everyone says you're dangerous." He had stopped stuttering around me which meant he had gained more confidence about being in my presence.

"I always thought that smart people didn't listen to rumors, guess I was wrong. People who don't know someone spreading a bunch of lies about that person." He furrowed his eyebrows. I leaned acoss from him on the island in the middle of the kitchen.

"Have I given you a reason to believe I'm going to hurt you? Have you done something that would make me want to hurt you? Do you want me to hurt you?" I asked in quick succession. He shook his head no. "Than believe me when I say I'm not going to hurt you."
He looked down.

"I'm going to bed, wanna join me?" I asked him. He flushed beet red and I laughed. "Good night, Mr. Prude." I said as I walkez away.

"Good night, little miss bad girl." I faintly heard after me.

I fell asleep with a smile on my face for the first time in three years.

Short, but necessary, chapter.
They have reached a new stage in their relationship, yay.




Little Lissa

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