Are You... Jealous?

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We had gotten my medications and it was my turn to be silent. Aiden glanced at me fairly often,  but I ignored him. Soon enough I was regretting that decision, though.

"The doctor was nice." I say and he glares at the road while tightening his grip on the wheel.

"He was a fucking pervert and kept looking down your shirt." Auden said.

"No he wasn't. What are you talking abou-" When I looked at is face I realized something. "Wait, are you jealous?" I ask incredulously.
He takes a deep breath before glancing at me.

"Yes. Yes, alright. I'm jealous that you smile at him while all you do is glare at me. I'm jealous because he has more of a chance then I do at dating you even though I liked you first. Ever since the fifth grade you were all I saw. You got good grades so I worked to get good grades. I did every thing I thought you'd like, but you never noticed me." He ranted. I hadn't realized we were parked outside our cabin until he finished.

"The fifth grade? You were always hanging out with the Barbies and they hated me, why'd you think that'd make me like you." I exclaim and by now we're practically yelling.

"I don't know. I thought all girls like the same thing." He shouts.

"Do I look like I like the same things as them?" I question.

"No you like guys like Blaze.!" He sneers.

"Blaze is like my brother. And he has a girlfriend. Why would you think that?" I yell at him.

"I don't know, love makes you do stupid things." He pretty much screams in frustration.

"Wha-what did you say?" I'm breathing hard and my eyes are wide with shock.

"Nothing." He says before getting out of the car and sprinting up the steps.
I did something that surprised myself. I ran after him.
I caught him before he got to his room.

"Hey, you can't just say things like that and run away. I deserve an explanation."

"Explanation!? What don't you understand about I love you!?"

"How could you love me!? You don't even kno-" His lips crashes to mine and he stole my breath away with a kiss.
Soon enough, I was under him on his bed and he was shirtless.

It's safe to say I got little to no sleep that night. *wink wink*

Hello fellow wattpadians.
I kinda sorta maybe forgot about this story and well wattpad in general, I'm sorry please don't eat me.

Here is an update.

Love, little lissa

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