Questions, Answers, and Love

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When I woke up again it was dark. I was thirsty.
With little difficulty I sat up in the bed. I was in a hospital room.
There was a cup of water on the side table. While I was sipping on the water, Adrian walked in. His eyes widened when he saw me sitting up.

"Are you okay? How are you feeling? Do you need anything? Are you confortable, baby?" He fired questions at me.

"Why are you here?" I asked him.

"Why wouldn't I be here? Are you sure you're okay?" He said.

"You left. You slept with me then you left. Why should you be here? Why are you here? I don't want you here. Go away." I said. My throat was sore.

"Baby, I left because I was scared." He told me.


"You're beautiful. I was terrified when I was told you I love you. I was happy that night... but then I started to think about the what if's. What if you regretted it when you woke up. What if you just completely blew me off?" He started. "I didn't want to wait for you to get up and forget about me. So, I asked to be sent back. I regretted it the moment I stepped foot in that car.
"I couldn't stop thinking that I made a mistake, that even if you didn't want to be with me then at least I had those memories. That's when I got the call that you were in the hospital.
"I made them turn around. I got here as soon as I could. When I saw you in the bed looking so sad my heart broke.
"Baby, I love you and even if you choose not to be with me I had to be here for you."

He left.

I jumped.

The story is coming to an end.
Next is the epilogue.

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