Hospitals, Doctors, and Medicine

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The next day Adrian and I went to a nearby hospital for them to have my information. 'Just in case,' they said.

Adrian was mostly quiet and the silence was getting to me. We were in the van and he had insisted on driving. The reason I preferred to drive was because I don't do well in small, quiet places. Being behind the wheel distracts me and music makes it bearable. . I started fidgeting, my mind was racing. Dark thoughts were plaguing me and it was getting hard to breathe.

"Dam it, I know you don't like me. Hell, I wouldn't like me either, but ignoring me is only pissing me off." I snapped. He said nothing.

I glared at him as I thought of all the ways I could kill him and hide the body. When we got to the hospital I practically flew out of the car.

"I like you." He said and I paused. When  I turned to look at him, he was already staring at me." I do like you." He says. I look down and closed the door with a small smile on my face. A smile that was the beginning of trouble.

He got out of the car and walked over to my side. Taking my hand, he led me inside.

I hate hospitals. I don't have a good reason, there was no traumatic event. I just don't like hospitals.

We walk up to the lady behind the counter with welcome painted on the side. After a short conversation and the defiling of my I.D. we were in a small examination room. The doctor that walked in was an young, attractive male. I guessed he was in his twenties.

"How old are you?" Adrian asked, quite rudely, might I add. The doctor just chuckled while I gawped at the way his shirt clung to his muscular frame. His blonde hair was slicked back and his eyes were blue. He was the perfect Dr. All-American.

"I am twenty-eight years old. My name is Dr. Gabriel Ferris, but you guys can call me Gabe." He smiled and his teeth were so white they were almost blinding. Out of the corner of my eye I caught Adrian glaring at the doctor, but I ignored it.

During the examination Gabe kept cracking jokes that were often met by snide comments from Adrian. I ignored him for the most part, but he didn't have to be so rude, even though the doctor just laughed it off.

When Gabe was done a therapist came in. He gave me a paper with my medication, then gave Adrian the instructions on how I'm supposed to take them.

Soon after, we were on our way to the pharmacy. Adrian continuously glanced at me.

"What?" I finally asked. He winced at my cold tone. I knew what he wanted, I just didn't want to talk about it.

"You're depressed, so you take anti-depressants." He stated.

"That is generally why people take anti-depressants, yes." I said back. Another glance.

"Why are you depressed?" He asked. I rolled my eyes.

"What are you, my fucking therapist? Obviously something depressing happened." I said.

"Does it have something to do with the incident Principal Fredrickson was talking about?" He asked as we pulled into the pharmacy's parking lot. I smirked at him.

"Well, look who's smart." I said sarcastically before hopping out.

I'm thinking about making this a short-story. If I do there will probably be four or five chapters left, not sure yet.





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