Freddie's Nerves

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Brian turned towards you.

"I don't suppose Freddie told you he and Roger have made a commitment to each other, has he.  They've even moved in together."

You looked at Freddie questioningly.

"That's what I thought," Brian said, shaking his curls.  "They've made an agreement to be exclusive.  So much for that, huh Freddie?" 

Freddie just looked at the floor.

"Roger would just be devastated if he knew about this sordid little tryst,"  Brian continued.  "He's fragile enough as it is...I really don't think he could handle this..."

"Get out," Freddie spat.  "You're not going to say a fucking word about this to Roger."

"Don't be so sure about that, Freddie," Brian said snidely.   "Someone has to look out for  him, since it obviously won't be you."

"I said get the fuck out!" Freddie raised his voice.

"Fine," Brian said cooly, turning to leave.  "Oh, by the way," he said, looking at you, "David's been looking for you everywhere.  You remember him, right?  You know, that guy you're supposed to be working for?"

Then he squared his shoulders and walked haughtily out of the room, leaving an awkward silence in his wake.

"Fuck, I hate him," Freddie muttered.

You stood up and straightened your dress.

"Freddie...why didn't you tell me you and Roger had made a commitment?" you asked.

"He gets on my fuckin nerves," Freddie said, ignoring your question.  "Acting all holier than thou, like he can do no wrong.  He's nothing but a thorn in my side.  He's totally ungrateful, too.  If he weren't in the band, he'd never get laid.  Fuckin loser.  He's nobody."

You'd never seen him so agitated before.  Apparently the tour had really taken a toll on his nerves.

"Freddie," you tried again.  "I asked you why you didn't tell me you and Roger had taken your relationship to the next level."

"I don't want to talk about it," he snapped, and you recoiled.  It seemed like his nerves were shot.

"Come here," he said, softening his expression and opening his arms invitingly.  Suddenly he was sweet again.

  You hesitated.  You desperately wanted to be in his arms--it was the best place in the whole world.  But Brian's words about Roger had you feeling guilty.  From the sound of things, Roger would be crushed if he knew Freddie was cheating on him.  And yes, even though he had done the same thing to you, your conscience had you thinking twice.  You didn't want to be a homewrecker.  You were well-aware of the pain it caused.

But the lure of Freddie's arms proved to be too strong to resist, and you gave into the overwhelming temptation.  You felt his strong arms envelop you and the tension left your body.  This is where I belong, you thought.  You ran your fingers through his fragrant black mane and sighed.  You felt his soft cheek against yours.  The knowledge that he and Roger were now cohabitating definitely complicated things further.  Had Freddie ever intended on telling you?  Or did he actually believe he could get away with playing both sides?

"Kiss me," Freddie said, interrupting your thoughts.

"Freddie...I don't think...I mean, now that you and Roger are committed, we probably shouldn't be fooling around..."

"You don't want to kiss me?" he said softly, looking at you and blinking slowly.

"Of course I do, but..."

"So kiss me then," he interrupted.

It was impossible to think logically when you were this close to him.  His eyes held you in a hypnotic trance, and his sinewy body was pressed against yours.  His scent was stirring primeval thoughts within you.  His sensual lips were beckoning you, and you had no choice but to respond.  

Freddie reached behind him and locked the door.  You gave in to the overwhelming urge...

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