A Date?!?!

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Akira's POV

"Akira! Open the door we need to talk!!" I heard Kakashi say behind the door.

I sat on the conner of the bed,"Leave me alone!!!" I sobbed.

"Akira, I swear if you don't open this door I'll break the door!"

I didn't answer nor moved from my previous position. I don't get it, why don't they leave me alone? I'm not important to anyone or anybody. I'm just a nobody who des-

I was snapped out of my thought when I heard the door slam open. I looked up to see a very worried Kakashi. He saw me and quickly walked towards me. "Akira-"

I glared at him,"Leave me alone, I don't want to talk about anything!"

He wrapped his arms around me and pulled me into his chest. His arms tightened around me and I heard him sigh,"Akira, don't ever say those words ever again. Team 7 will always miss you, if you were gone. If you were gone who would be there to yell at me? Who would be there when I wake up? Who would argue with enemy ninjas? Who would make this life worth living? What would team 7 be without its 5 members? Don't you get it Akira. You may think that nobody needs or cares for you but we do. Sakura, Sasuke, Naruto, and especially.... Me." Why does he care so much for me?

"K-Kakashi, I can't do this... You guys shouldn't care for me. I will only bring trouble." I mumbled.

"We're a team and your part of our village now, whoever it is you're facing we'll face them together." I felt my eyes starting to tear up. I can't have you guys do that for me! I can't do this to you guys! When you find out the truth you'll have to bring me back or it'll mean war!

I pushed him away and quickly wiped my tears away,"You can't Kakabaka. You can't help or save me Kakabaka..." He frowned,"But until I have to deal with it I'll be with you guys. I'll be there to protect you. I'll be there to care for you guys. Like you said Kakabaka we're team 7." I smiled at him.

He reached over and patted my head sending me a smile,"Your right Akira, but you have to promise me you won't use your Kekei Genkai to undo the Reaper Death Seal, alright?"

I shook my head and he frowned,"I'm going to save everyone who's precious to me before I have to go."

He pulled me into another hug and my face turned red. "Akira, I know you want to protect everyone you care for but you must promise me you'll make it out alive."

I giggled and dug my head deeper into his chest,"I promise to make it out alive, but like I told you Kakabaka, I have to go soon and you may never be able to see me again. But that doesn't mean we're not there for each other or not friends. I'll always be there, okay?"

He chuckled,"Wasn't I suppose to make you cheer up not the other way around?"

I giggled,"I'm making sure to fix everything before I go."

He frowned,"Why do you have to go?"

I looked up at his eye,"Kakabaka, I have to. It's to protect you, my friends, and this village. Before I go I'd at least like to know I was protecting you, my friends, and this village."

He sighed,"Your pretty selfless Akira."

He grabbed my hand and pulled me off the bed. My cheeks turned red,"H-hey?! W-what are you doing?!"

He looked back at me and smiled,"We're going to have some fun."

He continue to drag me while he held my hand. I looked at our intertwined hands as he continued to pull me around. He's hand it's so big compared to mine. It feels...nice. His hand it's so comforting. I shook my head. What am I thinking?! He doesn't like me like that. I looked up at Kakashi, he seemed to notice and looked back at me while smiling. I looked away, Maybe he does feel the same way.

I glanced back up to him and smiled a little. He continued to pull me until we stopped. We stopped on top of the Hokage mountain and I gave him a questioning look.

He let go of my hand and turned to face me. He kneeled down to my level and cupped my face. My face begun to heat up. "O-Oi, K-Kakabaka?"

He looked at me and leaned closer to my face and I felt his breath. "Akira."

"H-Hai, Kakabaka?" I mumbled trying to divert my eyes somewhere else.

"Let's go have a picnic here. I set it up here follow me." He once again grabbed my hand and led me near the edge of the Hokage Mountains. I saw a blanket spread out and a basket out. He motioned me to sit and I sat down. I looked out at the view and smiled, The view is so pretty!!

"The view is great, right Kakabaka?" I looked at him to see him staring at me.

"Yeah, but the thing I'm looking at is so much better." I grew bright red and looked away.

"S-so, what's in the basket?" I asked him.

"Some fruit, a few mochi, mini sandwiches, and dessert."

"Do you have grapes?" I asked him. He nodded his head and gave me the grapes.

"Okay Kakabaka, sit back, pull your mask down, and open wide." He raise an eyebrow.

"Just do it." He sighed but did it anyways. Before I did anything I admired his face. He looks cuter without his mask on. I picked out a grape and threw it in his mouth. He chewed the grape and grab a piece as well. I thought he was going to do throw it so I sat back, closed my eyes, and opened my mouth. We sat there eating grapes and throwing it to one and another.


"Y-yeah?" I asked him.

"You have some grape juice on your face."

I was about to wipe it off my face when he grabbed my face,"Don't worry I got it."

I nodded my head as he pulled my face closer to his. I closed my eyes and felt something wet touch my cheek,"Mm, delicious."

He than pulled away,"I got it."

I touched my the wet part of my cheek. D-did he just lick me?

My face grew redder and I looked up at Kakashi to see him smiling at me. Once I met his gaze I quickly looked away. Stupid Kakabaka! Why didn't he just wipe it off?

I glanced up at him and he was know looking back at the village. He does look cute when he smiles.

After a couple of hours we ran out of food so we headed home. While we were walking we talked about a bunch of things, likes, dislikes, books, missions, friends, family (Like Siblings not Parents), and etc. We made it home and I was about to head up in my room when Kakabaka grabbed my hand. His other hand hidden behind his back.

"What's up Kakabaka?"I asked him.

He didn't say anything just pulled out a teddy bear with a heart in the middle. I looked at him and saw him looking away with a slight red on his face. "I-it's for you..."

I giggled and took the best form him,"Thanks Kakabaka, I'ma name him Kira." I send him a smile and he ruffled my hair.

I walked up to my door and he walked up to his. Before I entered my room I turned back and said,"Night Kakabaka."

He chuckled and said,"Until our next date." He than went into his room before I could reply. Date??!?!! That was a date?!

I felt heat rising up into my face so I quickly went into my room and closed and locked the door. I ran to my bed and took the teddy bear he gave me and squealed on it. OMG!!! I went on a date with Kakashi.

When I was done squealing I looked at the teddy bear and fell asleep while hugging it with a huge smile on my face.

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