Third Round: Attack of the Snakes!!

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"Grab them and go!"

"Wait! What about you?!"

"I can take care of myself Sakura! Grab Naruto and Sasuke than run like you life depends on it, cause it really does!"


"Damn it! Just do what I tell you to! I will find you three in the forest sooner or lat-" I stopped talking when I felt a knee lunged onto my ribs. I winced a bit as I felt my bones crack under pressure. Hacking up a bit of blood, I glared the snake bastard.

"Kukuku, I guess I picked the wrong time to attack Princess.."

I hid a flinch and glanced back at Sakura," Sakura, grab them now," I growled while releasing my intentions.

Sakura nodded her head franticly after feeling the amount of killer intent in the air, and left to grab Naruto and Sasuke. Deadly sharp blue eyes glared back at the serpent,"I'm going to watch the light drain out from your eyes as I kill you nice and slowly."

"Is that really how a person with such a high social states should talk? I expected better from the you, Akira-hime," Orochimaru mocked.

I clenched my jaw tighter," I'm no longer a Princess Ochi-baka, I go by the Demon Angel now."

"Do they know hime? Does Sarutobi-sensei know he's holding the Princess of the Land of Fire here?" Hearing those same questions I ask myself each day made me come to a halt," Kukuku, he doesn't," Orochimaru's neck expanded and circled around me," When the Queen and King learn about your location, I wonder what would happen to the Leaf Village and their people?"

Blinking once, red bled into blue,"Yes, those are the eyes. The eyes that are known to be equal to those of the sharingan. Those eyes that are only known to the Royal Kazuki family."

Before Orochimaru could even blink, I dug my foot into his face and watched as he flew away,"Bastard..."

I heard trees moving and soon I was surrounded by snakes,"It seems that I shouldn't underestimate you, Akira Kazuki. I won't make that mistake again. Kill her!"

Grabbing my katana, I shot out towards the group of summonings. I ran my blade down on a snake. Kicked another back into it's world. Kunai sticking out one other, killing it instantly. Slash. Kick. Punch. Throw. Kill. I repeated endlessly, flawlessly, and still no progress. No end to them. As if there were an infinite supply of them. Loosing my focus, I felt fangs digging into my forearm, reaching my veins. I winced a bit and started to make hand signs,"Fire Style: Burning Star!" Spitting out blue flames, I watched as it formed into a star and burning most of the summonings away.

Suddenly I felt a presents behind me. Reacting quickly, I dodge a blade aiming at my heart,"Urk!"

I jumped back to a safe distance and landed on a tree branch,"Damn you, Orochimaru!" I cursed out while holding my bleeding arm.

"Kukuku, that's quite a mouth you have, Akira-hime. Have you always been this disrespectful? I wonder if that was the reason why your parents wanted to sell you out."

My body went rigid as memories crashed down on me.

"You were never our daughter! We just needed a tool we could use to bargain with."

"Guards! Get this insect away from me!! Quickly!"

"Stay in your room and don't come out!"

"H-Help!! It's right next to me!!"



"Waste of space.."

"Get away."

"Get away!"


My eyes glowed deadly crimson red, and soon the summoning that once were around no longer existed. Heat quickly filled the air, sparks flew away with the wind, and flames surround the two of us, slowly danced in circles," Orochimaru!!" I launched myself towards the monster himself,"I'll kill you!" I slashed my katana down in anger," Murder you!"

Clank! Rage," Slaughter!"

Clink! Fury," Maim!"

I stabbed my katana into the bark tree," Huff, huff, I'll... huff... Get you...Orochimaru! Argh!!!" Chakra exploded from my body, the dark red flames turned blue, and my katana was now covered in water. My eye colors flickered between blue and red, than settled on dark violet. I know that I can't keep this form up forever... I need to make an opening and attack while I still can.

"What an interesting predicament. You, Akira Kazuki, are very much a prodigy of your Kekkei Genkai. Kukuku, maybe I should take you instead of Sasuke-kun," Orochimaru's neck stretched towards me, fangs ready to sink into my skin.

Come on! Move damn it! Slowly I raised my blade in front of me and water soon engulfed me. Using my left hand, I took control of my blue flames and sent them towards Orochimaru. "Huff... huff...," I grinned a bit as I let my hand fall to my side," I think that... huff... did it."

My eyes widen as I watched a figure shot out of the dust cloud," That was a nice try Akira-hime, but even if those flames of yours are stronger than regular flames. Fire is still weak to water."

"Tsk! Than I'll... huff.. try something else..," finishing the last sign, I concentrated on the moisture around me than released," Water Style: Water Dragon Jutsu!!"

Orochimaru made quick signs of his own," Fire Style: Fire Dragon Jutsu!"

The two dragons rose towards the sky and tangled with each other. Red sparks and clear blue drops fell towards the ground. A dragon roared and overcame it's red counterpart, it flipped in victory than dove towards its main target. Trees swayed, branches broke, and leaves fell as dust appeared,"Huff.... Take.. that."

The barrier of water dropped to the ground as I fell to my knees,"I doubt he.... huff... survied that... huff... monster didn't deserve...huff... a quick dea-" Cutting myself off, I looked down at the blade shoved through my chest. I looked behind me and saw a snake pedophile standing above me,"... bastard.." My body went limp and I hit the ground.

"Kukuku, I guess this is the end for you Akira-hime. Too bad I couldn't get you, at least I planted the seed of power into Sasuke."

I watched as Orochimaru slowly walked away from me. My vision started to blur, and I felt the darkness calling my name. W-Why? W-Why did it end this way? I thought no more before I slipped into unconsciousness.


Hello Readers!!!

I finally made a new chapter! Yay!! I know it took about like 7 months and I'm really sorry about that. I'm having a large writers block and everything. I feel really bad about not being able to make quick uploads and everything!! It fills me with joy and sadness when someone comments that they want me to update. Sadness because I have a writers block and I won't be able to fulfill their wish. Joy because there are people actually reading my book!! It really does make me happy to know that people favorite, comment, add, share, and follow my books and I! Please don't stop commenting on my books, they make me really happy. Anyways, I just got a new computer. Soo, maybe I'll be able to write more often than usual. I don't make any promises, but as promised I will finish this book first before any of my other Naruto fanfic books!! There is a reason why I made this chapter and pulled an all nighter. It's Kakashi's Birthday and I wanted to make something special for him!!!! Once again, I deeply apologize for my inactiveness and hope to receive your forgiveness. For those who just started reading this book, I appreciate it greatly and hope you stick around for future chapters to come.

Your Author & Team Leader,

Rin Urahara Hatake!!

PS Till next time! Ciao!!

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 15, 2016 ⏰

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