Chapter 3

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John was waiting in the hotel room they had put him in. Since there was no other person in there, he now had the time to think about what was happening. He was of course shocked, and couldn't understand a thing. How did all this happen? Everything seemed to him unfamiliar, unknown, even sometimes, unreal. There were moments he thought everything that was happening was just a dream. There were other times, although, he knew it was all happening for real. And what could he do? Nothing. He was just the main ingredient of an experiment, just the man who was coincidentally found in a place he didn't belong to. He had no rights of talking, thinking... Now everyone would decide about him, if he was good or bad, if this was made on purpose or not, if he was going to live or... he couldn't stand that thought. He knew that in a way or another, he would end up dead. So he had to go out of this hotel room. All he needed was in his backpack, so he had nothing to prepare. He had his cellphone, clothing money, what could one need else. But he had to wait for the perfect time.

The clock was showing 1 PM, so he was ready to put his plan to use. When they were bringing him food, John noticed that there was only 1 guard on the door. As he assumed, the guard had to be sleeping. So he took his bag, and carefully opened the front door, not making a noise. As he was trying to get to the elevator, he heard the guard behind him.

-Hey you! Stop right there! Where do you think you're going?! Get back here!

John started running down the stairs as soon as he heard the guard. Hopefully, he thought he would be faster than that guard, so he was running with all he had. Also, in advantage of John, the guard was just returning from bathroom, so there was no way he could catch him before John got out and blended with the people on the street. John was suddenly feeling very self-confident. As he got on the hallway, just when he was reaching for the front door, a pair of big hands caught his arm and his neck. As John was trying to escape, he lost consciousness  after he felt a sharp, cold metal penetrate through his neck.

John woke up. It was a dark and cold place. Everything seemed different than the room of his hotel. He was thirsty, and he had a terrible headache. He couldn't remember nothing. John looked around. It was a big, empty, totally empty room that looked just like if it was a giant vault. John felt pain in the spot where the syringe was thrust. It was surely full with some kind of drug, that must explain the headache and thirstiness. John thought of the possibilities. Surely no one would be able to build such a room nowadays. Although he reminded of the stories he had heard about the state's hidden technology. What if he actually was in one of those strange rooms no one is supposed to know about? He was surely dead by that time.And in those moments of silence, he reminded of his wife and daughter. John felt like crying. Just the thinking that he would never see them again, made him fall apart and start hysterically screaming. Although, he didn't do that until the headache was getting worse. It was reaching the limits. Finally, John couldn't hold it in anymore. He started screaming loudly and banging his fists by the wall, desperately asking for help. Was this his end? Was this how everything was supposed to be. Was this really the way his life would end? Suddenly on the whole pain and agony he was going through, a bright light was lit in the top of that room. It was so strong and he was used so much to that darkness, that the light almost blinded him. On all that light, an evil but clear and loud voice was heard.

-So, it looks like our little buddy has awoken. Come on, hold it in, be a man!

-Please, help me! It's killing me!- replied John. He was not surprised, not shocked, he didn't know what was happening. Only one thing was going through his mind now: To be alive, to not die, to survive if only one more hour, one more day. That's why he didn't ask the voice nothing else. he didn't want to know nothing about it, nothing about what was happening, where was he, why was he there. The only thing he asked for was help. Help to survive, to escape and overcome this terrible pain he was going through. The voice was listened once again, this time more happy.

-Don't worry, little buddy, it won't kill you. By the way, it's just a headache, isn't it? Anyway, to relief your pain, so that we can talk a little bit more calmly, i will bring you some pain relievers. You don't have to worry, my little boy, it will be gone in only a hour or two. Meanwhile, while you still are experiencing the pain, understand what will happen to you once again if you don't answer my questions correctly. Bring him some medicine!

As John was standing in that corner, he was hoping that the medicine would come quickly, and they didn't get late. Soon, a tall black guy entered the room and brought him a glass of water, two pills and a bowl of soup. John didn't care about the soup, but as soon as that guy entered the room, he took the pills and swallowed them quickly.The black guy looked at him as if John was a freak. He was tall, muscular and had a deep, old scar on his hand that you could notice right away. Waiting to get better, John got into thinking once again. He had to find a way out of that place too. Just, firstly he had to wait.

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