Chapter 5

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5 years ago...

-Donny, Clarence is dead. I killed him. Now I want you to get his body out of there and erase every single clue off that room. I'm going home. Damn, that guy pissed me off.

-A... As you wish sir, I'm going right away. You can trust me.

Although Nero didn't know, Donny was Clarence's best man. He and Clarence knew what Nero was up to, so Donny had to pretend like he was on Nero's side. When Donny reached on the control room, Clarence got up, removed his shirt and looked at Donny with some terrifying eyes, getting ready to talk.

-You... you were right Donny! He WAS going to shoot me! I can't believe it! And if I wouldn't have listened you, I might have died! I can't believe it!

-I already told you Clarence, he is crazy! We can't trust him anymore. It was a good thing that you listened to my advice and wear that bulletproof vest.

-Listen Donny. I don't want anyone to know about what happened. Everybody must think I'm lost or dead. I know this is a great sacrifice, but we have to stop Nero before he does anything stupid. You promise me that you won't tell anyone about all this?

-I promise Clarence. I also know a place where we can never be found. Back where my father's company was, there is a warehouse that belongs to my family. It is abandoned, and it is pretty large, so i think we could do something with it.

-Excellent Donny! I knew you wouldn't let me down!

Present time...

-So, tell me, when did you get here, I mean, in this world?

Clarence was curious about John, even though Donny had told him everything about John. In the moment when he heard about the special organ Rainsong, he understood they had to take action right away. Clarence was not like Nero. He didn't want to hurt John, neither he wanted the eternity that John's organ could give him. All that he wanted was to stop Nero. But currently, he had no ideas in his mind. Although John didn't trust Clarence. As every other person would do, he thought Clarence was just another bad guy who would try to steal what he didn't had. So he started, once again, his escape plans. Firstly, he needed some info.

-Where are we? - asked John, trying to understand something more about his location.

-Montenegro,-replied Donny,- This is where I and some other Nero's people brought you. Even though he is from the U.S, Nero wanted to built his HQ-s here, so he doesn't get noticed by people. We are going to the warehouse now, please be patient.

Montenegro. How far from his home. Actually, wherever he could be in this planet, it was still very far from his real home. Although Dorsing, England as it was called here was still far away. One moment, John had a thought. What if he would go and meet his family? Maybe there he would be safer. So, he had to find a way out of there. Luckily, during night time, Clarence and Donny didn't guard, because the didn't think John would try to get out. He was in a very good situation, as they had prepared him a passport in which he was an England resident. So, he wouldn't have legal problems anymore. As soon as Clarence and Donny fell asleep, he got out of the warehouse and started looking on the road for a car. The warehouse was next to the highway, so he wouldn't have such a problem finding a car that would take him out of the state. Soon, the first car stopped. The driver got out of the car to talk to John.

-Hello,-said John,- I'm from England. Where are you going?

The driver replied:

-Macedonia. Are you going to come in?

-Yes. I was off to Macedonia too.

As the car's engine started once again, they were now far away from the warehouse.

-So why are you going to Macedonia?-asked the driver.

-Family. Some of my family live there.

-Good. Very Good. It's always good to visit your family. Do you have a passport?


-Ok than. Give it to me, I will show it to the policeman here.

John handed the passport, and after taking it back, the car started driving once again. They were finally off the state, so Clarence and Donny couldn't follow him anymore. When they arrived in the capital city, the driver told John he had to leave now. After thanking the driver, John started roaming around the streets to find a hotel. It was getting very late, and all of the sudden, when he was walking down a narrow street, a gang of 4 guys came up to him talking in their native language.

-I only speak English,-said John.

-Ok than Englishmen,-replied one of the gang members,- all we want is your money, and if you hand it right away, you won't get hurt.

-I don't have any money,-lied John.

-If you don't give us money, you get a cracked skull. Now give us all you've got.

-I told you I don't have any money!

Before he could understand, Those guys started beating John, He was going through almost the same pain as the headache he had when he woke up on Nero's liar. When they finished, and didn't find any of John's money, they let him there and left. John lost consciousnesses. When he woke up, he found himself in an old, humid apartment. It was cold and it was raining outside.

-Rise and shine, little boy!

John heard a woman's voice from behind him he quickly turned around to find a young woman standing up right there.

-Cmon now, what are you waiting for? Breakfast's ready, come grab something to eat. You must be hungry. 

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