Chapter 4

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Nero was now more happier than ever. Was it just a coincidence? Well, in whatever way, the boy was just enough stupid to get out of the security they were guaranteeing him and fall into Nero's arms. It was a good thing he had his men ready for him. Although, something like this was expected from a guy like him. Everyone would be scared and try to escape in such circumstances. Well, he was a fool just like everyone else in planet Earth. Nero was getting even more curious about the boy in the time being, but he first had to wait for that medicine to take effect. Just in that moment, he saw Donny enter the room.

-I delivered the food and the pills,- said Donny,- he didn't even notice the soup, but he swallowed the pills just like if he was a hungry animal. It looked... strange.

-Very well Donny,-said Nero,- now we just have to wait for them to take effect.

-In five minutes the man will be ready to answer, sir.

-Very well, Donny. You can leave now.

Nero started thinking. What was the man's name? Where was he from? What made him special, different from other humans? It was a pity this creature's difference from other humans was only 1.2%. It could be even just an extra artery, an extra toe. But, it could be also an extra kidney or heart! Boy, how good could that be!  When he thought about the chance he had missed in 2010, 5 years ago, he was still angry to Clarence, although the man was far dead now. It could be any kind of beast they would bring to planet earth. But little sensitive Clarence, had a sensitive heart. What an idiot! "I should stop thinking about this," thought Nero, "It's not good getting so angry, i will have to face that man now." The man looked good by now, so Nero lit up the room, and got near to the mic, exited about this moment:

-Well, hello there! It seems like the pain is gone by now, huh?

John actually was fine, and now he was starting to gather his self up. He was assured he wasn't in any state's property, so he had to think. Who had got him now? He felt like an object, being thrown one side to another. Now, he had to find out who had kidnapped him.

-Who are you? Until now you have shown yourself just as a mysterious voice, but i know there is a man hiding behind it! So tell me who are you, and why am I here?

-Take it easy there, little boy. One thing after another. You tell me your name, and i will tell mine.

-My name is John. Now your turn.

-Ok than, as you wish. I'm Nero, but i like to be referred to as Dr. Nero by you. I am the one who brought you here. As you might have already noticed, you don't belong to our world. Instead, you belong to another universe, another dimension. You are here for some specific reasons, which you won't be told, just for the moment. Now, i want a full list of your organs, not a specific one, for the moment, just the most important ones.

-And what if I don't tell you any of these?

-Than you will be exterminated. Killed, said more simple. If you don't tell me yourself, I will crack your body open, and I will see everything by myself. So, you have to choose what method will be used.

-Ok than, I'll do as you say.

-Good. Start, than.

-Brain, Heart, Kidneys...

-And how many of each?

-Only kidneys are double, the other ones 1 for each.

-Ok than, disappointing. Continue.

-Liver, Lungs are double too, Stomach, and the Rainsong.

-Rainsong? Explain me more about it's function.

-The Rainsong is the organ that helps me regenerate my cells, in other words, keeps me alive, by reviving almost every dead cell of my body.

-Good than. And how many years old are you, exactly?

-235 years old. Are we done now?

-Done. Now do whatever you want.

It was brilliant. That was a very lucky hit. 1.2%, who would have thought of that? 235 years old... he looked just like 30! Nero was so exited about this, he thought of an idea that would make him as old as that guy.Nero stepped back to the mic, and started talking.

-Ok than. Quiz time once again. I'm giving you this questions to see more about your knowledge. Can the Raindrop, or whatever it was called, be transplanted?

-It is called a Rainsong, and yes, it can. It is kinda like the liver, it grows itself. Many people even undergo surgeries to remove a part of it, so they can live longer. They just cut half of their Rainsong, and the other part get's back effective, not even considering the fresh one. Than the removed halve can be transplanted into another human's body.

-Good, very good! Perfect! What can a man want more! Since back here we don't have a Rainsong, our lives last only 80 years or so, but now i get to be immortal! You will tell me how it is transplanted, unless you want to be killed. Tell me NOW!

-Ok than, as you wish, just please don't kill me. The Rainsong is connected to the left kidney, but the ones who don't have one, can simply replace the tube that connects the Rainsong with the kidney with a plastic tube, 2 cm thick, 10 cm long. Anymore questions?

-No, no more questions. Now you have to get ready for tomorrow's transplant, as a part of your Rainsong is becoming mine. Now it's sleep time! Good Night!

Nero was so exited about what was going to happen. He was going to become immortal! Now even time couldn't stop his infinite intelligence and power. He had to get some sleep, As he had to get prepared for the big day, tomorrow.

Meanwhile John was in deep thoughts. Was what Nero said true? It made sense, though. He was in a different world, and he didn't know anything about it. Everything was strange, different. He had to find a way out of this nightmare he was going through. As John was thinking about this, he heard the vault door open slowly, making almost no noise. It was the black guy from before. He looked worried and in a hurry.

- Quickly, come with me!-said him,- I'm here to rescue you. But be quick and silent if you want to survive. It's the only shot we get. Now come!

John was once again surprised. As he was following that guy, he got scared for a moment and stopped.

-Where are you taking me?-said John

-In a place that is safer than this. If you stay here, Nero is going to kill you after he gets your Rainsong or whatever it was called. Now come with me, you have got to believe me! Quickly, I'm going to explain everything in the car. Now don't get late! I'm Donny, by the way. Nice to meet you, Johnathan.

John decided the best thing he could do was follow Donny. After all, he had nothing to lose, and it was the best chance he had. As they exited the front door, John saw a car waiting there. Donny entered the passenger front door, while John sat on the back. The driver started the engine as soon as they arrived, leaving that horrible place in the middle of a ghetto. When they were finally safe and sound, he turned his head to John, looked at him if he was some kid of Jewelry, and then smiled ad John.

-So it seems like you're our lucky winner!- said the driver,- Name's Clarence. Nice to meet ya.

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