Chapter 4...

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I wake up to beeping and a loud banging inside my head. I groan holding my head. I feel it to find I have a bandage wrapped around my head.

" oh thank god your awake" I hear Alex. I smile at her voice and open my eyes. I flinch at Harry who's staring down at me on the bed.

" what the hell happened" I groan again closing my eyes from the pain.

" you have a concussion , you had a pretty nasty fall Payton" Alex says taking my hand. Then a girl doctor enters the room a warm smile on her lips as she glances at Harry.

" your free to go home when your ready. Just get lots of rest" she writes afew things down on the clip board then passes it to Harry. He chuckles at it and throws it in the trash?

" okay" Alex says taking my things packing them into my school bag.

" here" Harry says from beside me taking my waist in his arms guiding me out of the bed.

" this is your fault" I grit my teeth at him. He looks down frowning.

" I know. I'm going to make up for it" he says as he places my feet on the floor. I squeal as I almost loose my balance. Harry soon picks me up bridal style in his arms. I would yell at him but I know for a fact Alex can't carry me and I can't walk.

Alex snickers from behind us as Harry walks. I'm ready to hit her.

Harry takes me out into the parking lot and places me in his car.

" what are you doing" I ask confused Alex isn't coming with us.

" I'm getting you fed. I'm sure your hungry" he says starting the car. I look down to find my legs and arms covered in bruises and small cuts. Not to mention the bandage on my forehead for everyone to see.

" I look hideous" I frown staring out the window. I feel Harry's hand on my thigh making me flinch. He chuckles as he takes my hand in his.


We get to a small dinner. It's cute.

Harry orders for the both of us when I refused on picking.

" so tell me about yourself Payton" Harry smiles at me. I huff placing my chin in the palms of my hands on the table

" I'm not interesting" I frown looking at him.

" just do it" he says in his hands as he fixes his hair.

" uhh well I moved here with Alex about 3 years ago. Moved schools and that's about it" I shrug looking at him. He nods

" why'd you move to California" he asks. I watch as the food and drinks are placed in front of us. I take a sip of coke before answering,

" cause my parents died of overdose" I shrug again not really having any feeling any more.

" why'd you move schools then" he finds me so interesting? He eyes aren't leaving me.

" what people thought of me. Don't really want to talk about it" I frown rubbing my head where it hurts.

" don't touch you got stitches" he says taking my hands from my head.

" what we're you going to do in the cafeteria?" I ask remembering the whole episode. He frowns at the question.

" I don't know" he says now braking eye contact looking down at his hands in mine.

" also what's this game" I ask, he raises his eyes brows looking at me a smirk playing on his lips.

" I'm sure you'll find out soon enough" he chuckles.


Harry drops me off at my apartment. I walk through the door to find Alex on the lounge. She smiles at me and stands walking to me.

" is he your boyfriend?" She eyes me for my reaction. I chuckle shaking my head.

" nooo way. Not happening" I laugh and walk past her to my room.

My head is killing. I grab my pyjamas and make my way to the bathroom. I close the door stripping. I stare at the mirror and gasp.

My pale body is covered in shades of blues and purples. Along with many scratches. I take off my bandage to find 6 stitches in my forehead.


I take my shower then place myself in bed. Holy shit it feels amazing. I never want to leave. I smile into my pillow.

Tough love... Harry stylesWhere stories live. Discover now