Chapter 31...

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I walk through the streets looking around feeling someone watching me. I turn from short breaths being heard from close by.

" come back to me Payton" I turn to find a dark shadow in the near distance. My eyes widen as the figure gets closer, I discover who it was.

" you lied. Your not my brother" I spit taking afew steps back so he's under the lamp post clearly glaring at me. I shiver at what he was thinking.

" no I didn't Payton. Your boyfriend lied. I am in fact your blood" he speaks honestly. I look down feeling warm my belly has grown over night to a larger bump.

" and that baby isn't a baby Payton. It's a demon" his hand comes into vision touching my exposed skin.

" you need to do something for me pay" he touches my cheek to look at him. I do so looking to his brown eyes. The same colour as my own. I nod for him to continue

" I need you to come to me" he says serious tone.

" I don't know where I am" my voice speaks quietly as I look around the lonely street.

" yes you do. We lived here together. Come on Payton remember me" he speaks desperately.

" he's really fucked you up" he whispers taking my hand in his.

" now wake up and listen out for me. I'll be seeing you soon" he says pinching onto my forearm making me squeal, I open my eyes to find myself in the hotel Harry lowly snoring form beside me. I take his arms off me as I get up out of the bed.

I quickly get changed into a pair of jeans and a hoodie. I grab my phone and depart to the door opening it quietly then closing it behind me. I turn and jump back into the door scared of what Louis' actions are.

" go Payton. I knew you would run anyway" he speaks with no emotion. I nod sliding past him and run to the elevator.

" don't answer it" a voice rings inside my head as my phone starts buzzing telling me that Harry's calling. The elevator opens and I quickly run outside looking from left to right. It was the same as my dream a short while ago. I look over to find the same dark figure standing in the ally way.

" don't run Payton" it says telling me that it's not Jason this time. He steps under the street light to show its zayn. I shake my head and quickly pick up my feet running the opposite way.

" keep going Payton, don't stop now. There onto us" the voice says. I could feel them around me just not sure on where. I keep up the pace till a light is shown at the end of the road. I squint my eyes finding its a car. I stay in the spot feeling hypnotised to the bright light speeding my way. I hear the shouts either coming from around me or inside my head. I close my eyes as I feel the impact. My weak body being thrown to the side just before the car had taken to hit its target.

I open my eyes to find Harry above me, his eyes a bright silver as he stands to his feel with myself in his arms. He walks forward to zayn giving me to him. I watch weakly as the driver gets out of the cars the figure walking toward Harry. Both their fists clenched.

I squint my eyes finding its Jason. Arianna in the passenger seat, I look closer to find bruises and cuts all over her pretty little face. I huff and struggle out of zayns grip to my own feet.

" the demon needs to die" Jason growls looking from me to my belly. I look down and notice like my dream I now have a small bump. I gasp lifting my shirt slightly to show something moving inside me.

" it'll turn her. You don't want that for her" Jason hisses snapping his head back to Harry.

" your just afraid she will be stronger then you" Harry speaks back watching as I keep my head on my belly. Not taking notice on what their saying. I look up again finding their both still in deep conversation. I take the chance to depart to the car on the passenger side.

I open the car finding Arianna constantly shaking. She snaps her head looking at me.

" w-what -are y-oou doing?" She shudders. I look down at her weakening body. Her small arms and legs covered with the bruises and cuts. I take her hand.

" come on I can look after you. If you let me" I say trying to pull her out. She chuckles deeply and shakes her head,

" Jason wouldn't like that now would he" she looks up her eyes glowing. A small squeak comes from my mouth stepping back. I then bump into a hard chest.

" I changed her" I hear from behind. I look to find Jason he's smirking down at me. I look around for Harry to find no one.

" where's Harry" I furrow my eyebrows getting scared of what I had missed.

" he doesn't want you anymore sweetheart. Your coming with me" he says grasping onto my forearm. Whimpers leave my mouth as I drastically try and find Harry.

" Harry!?!" I scream squirming. My legs give way as a low growl comes from Jason getting annoyed obviously. I look around finally finding Louis. He brings his finger to his lips. I nod and let Jason pick me up just as he was about to throw me in the car Louis rushes to me snapping Jason's neck. I gasp loudly as his lifeless body drops to the floor.

I look over and find zayn snapping Ariannas neck intently glaring as her body collapses. I then latch onto Louis' waist still cautious of what had happened earlier.

" where's Harry?" I ask looking at Louis. His eyes soften not wanting to tell me bad news.

" Liam and Niall took him away. He was getting to aggressive and wanted to take" he stops himself knowing the rest would hurt me.

" he wanted to take his anger out on me" I confirm looking down.

" only because you ran. Payton why don't you believe us?" Zayn asks now coming to Louis' side. I raise my eye brows shocked,

" where would I start. Firstly Louis here wanted to rape me" I speak pointing to Louis as he looks down not happy with what he had done.

" I was out of control I'm so sorry." He says. I nod and continue.

" secondly. Harry doesn't trust me why should I with him. Also every time he gets the shits he has to take it out on someone and that someone is me" I look down again placing a hand on my belly.

" and also I'm trying to not kill myself or this" I speak pointing to my belly. They both nod understanding...

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