Chapter 15...

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I wake up finding myself wrapped in Harry's arms nude. I smile to myself wiggling out of his grip. I walk to my closet dressing myself in my underwear while picking out a dress with a jacket over the top.

Once I'm changed I find Harry sitting up rubbing his eyes still half asleep smirking at me. I laugh chucking him his scattered clothes.

" we have school" I speak walking to the bathroom fixing myself up.

Once I return Harry's fully ready. His sex hair now smoothed down. He smile and grabs my hand.


We enter the school yard hand in hand. I'm surprised people aren't used to us by now. I mean we have been like this for a while why would people still be staring.

We walk through the doors and I gasp quickly covering my mouth as I spot Arianna across the hall from me. Her eyes widen as she spot me and Harry.

Harry looks from me to where I was staring. He shakes his head.

" don't talk to her Payton" Harry warns. I nod looking down. He kisses my cheek as he walks off. I smile to myself quickly walking over to Arianna before she could make a run for it.

" I can't talk to you Payton. I'm sorry" she says trying to budge past me. I take grip of her wrist bring her into my arms trying to comfort her.

I pull away looking at her. She has a swollen lip along with a bruised cheek. Many bruises covering her arms and legs. She looks at me weakly as if she's about to burst into tears.

" who did this" I ask still holding onto her wrist. She shakes her head looking down.

" I promise I won't hurt you. Tell me please." I beg. She looks up at me.

" I'm know you won't hurt me. It just" she cuts herself off looking over my shoulder her eyes widening with fear. I look over to find both zayn and Harry glaring in our direction.

" meet me in the girls bathroom at lunch" she whispers then stalks off her head hanging low. I frown to myself walking the opposite way from Harry and zayn. I soon feel someone approach from behind. I get ready to run but before I do so my wrist is in someone's tight grip.

They tug turning me around so I'm now facing Harry. I wriggle my hand trying to shove him back but he doesn't let go only tightens.

He then forces me to walk with him pulling me out of the school to where Harry's car had been parked. I look inside noticing zayns in the front seat. Harry opens the back seat and forcefully shove me inside.

" what the fuck are you doing" I yell as Harry gets in the drivers seat starting up the car.

" I told you not to fucking talk to her Payton" Harry yells louder picking up speed. I shrink back my breath getting caught in my throat.

" who did that to her" I ask already knowing the answer. That's why she was so scared of them.

" you already know" he hisses taking a sharp turn making me bang my head on the window. I yell bringing my hand to my forehead. I look at my hand noticing I'm bleeding. Oh shit. I'm not the best with blood.

I feel a load of heat burst through my body as the air from my lungs exhale.

" Harry" I whisper feeling myself get more sleepy.

" fuck Payton. What did you do" I hear zayn yell and more yelling that I couldn't yet understand.



I wake up finding myself in a unfamiliar bedroom. I groan holding my head noticing a bandage wrapped around it.

Where the hell am I. I look around noticing hardly any sunlight meaning it was now night time. How long was I out.

I stand on my feet stumbling till I gang my balance. I hear some foot steps entering the room. I turn to find Louis.

He smiles sympathetically at me. I give him a small smile in return.

" where's Harry?" I ask, getting pissed that he made me unconscious yet again.

" he's out. I'm taking care of you" he says walking out. I grumble to myself. I don't need looking after.

" what did they do to Arianna" I ask following Louis downstairs. He turns sharply and stares at me. Almost glaring.

" she's not on our side Payton. You shouldn't be talking about or to her." He hisses deeply. I look to my left finding Liam coming out of the lounge room standing beside Louis.

" okay? I'm going I don't need to be baby sat" I shove my way past them to be grabbed by the wrist. I squeal pain my wrist engulfed in pain. Louis lets go totally confused. I take my wrist looking at it, having a large bruise wrapped around my small wrist.

" I'm sorry. But please don't leave. You don't want us to force you to say here" he says his voice warning me. I look up my mouth wide open.

" what is Harry doing that's so bad" I grumble stepping back getting closer to the door.

" Payton go upstairs to my room." Louis quickly warns looking behind me. I could hear someone from outside the door unlocking it.

" he's home" Louis says to Liam not meaning for me to hear. I frown turning around towards the door. It opens and Harry stumbles his way in.

" hello sweetheart" he slurs. His eyes red, and the smell of weed fills my senses.

" are you kidding me" I whisper more to myself. I look up to find him chuckling at me. I quickly shove his chest but before I had made contact his hands catch onto my forearms

" it will kill you" tears forming in my eyes.

" no it fucking wont. Stop being so damn dramatic" he speaks roughly. I yank my arms back walking away. I shove my way through Louis and Liam walking into the kitchen. I could feel them close behind.

But before they could catch me I ran for it out the back door....

Tough love... Harry stylesWhere stories live. Discover now