some boys are born to be lions

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To say Scorpius was nervous was an understatement. His hands ringed in front of him as his father kept a firm hand pressed to his shoulder, guiding him through the crowd f the train platform. In fact, they were both nervous.

Draco had never had Scorpius this far away from him before, and he didn't like the idea one bit. He wasn't over protective, damn you, he was just...cautious. yeah, just cautious. His son was his world, his everything. He lost his mother and wife to a random shooting in a muggle town. He didn't resent muggles for what happened to them, but he wasn't exactly pleased. The thought of having Scorpius away from him was terrifying and he wanted to hang on for as long as possible.

They both stopped when they were on the platform and Scorpius was ready to board.

"hey Scorp, be careful ok?" The elder told his son as he took a knee in front of him. He pet his hair a little as the younger boy nodded and sniffled.

"oh don't cry, if you need me just send me an owl, alright? You know I'm always right here. buck up," he smiled and nudged his chin wit his knuckle.

Scorp smiled a little and hugged his father tight, " ok dad, I'm scared though. I promise I'll send you letters all the time! I tell you what house I'm in ok?" he assured his father.

"thank you squirt, don't be scared. The hat is never wrong, just trust what it has to say. I'm sure you'll get the best house for you," Draco informed his son.

"but what if I don't get Slytherin? Grandpa would be so dissapointed," Scorp said.

"hey, no he wouldn't. you don't need to be a Slytherin for us to be proud of you. We'd be more proud of you for following what your heart tells you. And if he does have a problem with it, I'll put a boot up his arse, I promise,"

They both laughed and Draco squeezed him a little tighter before pressing a long kiss into the thin boys slightly messy hair. They didn't let go until the whistle sounded and Scorpius smiled and let his dad kiss his forehead again.

"I love you squirt, go have fun at school. Try and make some friends," Draco said as he stood and ruffled the child's hair.

"I love you too daddy, I'll try, for you." He nodded as he talked.

"Don't do it for me, do it for you. It might do you some good," He told his son.

Scorpius shook his head, "No, you're my best friend. You and grandpa are the only friends I need,"

Draco smiled softly as the horn aired again, "You better go Scorp, have fun squirt."

Scorpius gave Draco's waist one last tight hug before running onto the train, waving out the window as it rolled away.

Draco sighed with a shaky breath and rubbed his face before checking his watch and turning to leave. He made his way back through the gate an onto the muggle platform, walking without really paying attention, putting in his earbuds and turning on his muggle ipod.

Before he could really react he felt himself smack into someone and they both fell to the ground. Draco pulled his headphones out and looked pulled himself back up, "I'm so sorry, are you alright?"

He locked eyes with someone who looked like a frizzy haired, buck toothed gryffindor he used to know. Hermione blanked at him a few times, "Malfoy?" she asked.

"Hello Granger, are you ok? That was a pretty good fall, " He stuck his hand out to help her up and she looked at him, puzzled, "are you going to stay down there all day?" he asked.

Ron was soon seeing the scene go down in front of him and joined his wife's side, helping her up, "Draco Malfoy? Really, that's you?" Ron asked as he kept his arm around his wife's waist.

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