going to bed with a 10, waking up with a 20

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Harry really couldn't describe to you how he felt. 

Something about the soft, even breaths across how bare skin, or the heavy and firm weight on his chest, just made time slow down.  The thick haze of sleep still took him over, until he realized that there was someone on top of him.

His eyes  cracked open slowly and one at a time before a smile crossed his face at seeing a certain little babe of a blonde on his chest, arms wrapped around him lazily. Draco was still sound asleep, and good thing too. he wasn't sure how he'd handle this, but he didn't want to find out. His hair was ruffled, and his dark mark stood out against the cream colored sheets. 

The dark haired man heard noticed someone sitting in the room when he heard the sound of someone sipping from the teacup. His head snapped in that direction, jumping a bit.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you, he's cranky if you wake him up before he wants to be on his days off." The long haired Malfoy said, not looking up from his book.

"H-how long have you been sitting there?" Harry asked.

"Long enough to know that you're falling head over heels for my son. But don't tell him that now, he won't believe you and deny the mutuality of the situation. You know, for a therapist he really isn't very self perceptive," Lucius answered, setting his cup down and sitting on the edge of the bed slowly, "Isn't he just darling when he's sleeping? I always thought so. He's so peaceful looking, it's almost nostalgic,"

"Why are you telling me all of this? I figured you'd be pissed that I shagged your son," Harry asked, slightly worried for his well being.

"Well, I am. That's my baby right there, and if you hurt him I will kill you," Lucius sighed, "but he needed last night. He needed to relax and have some fun, so you have my thanks for getting him home safely. He's a handful when he's been on the source," 

The hazel eyed man nodded and searched for his glasses on the nightstand, slipping them onto his face. Draco shifted a bit, burring his face deeper into Harry's chest with a small sigh, "Well, y-you're welcome I guess. I wouldn't just leave him on his own like that, I don't want him to do something stupid and hurt himself,"

"Nor do I. Well Mr.potter, I suppose we have no choice but to form a truce. For his sake," Lucius never tore his eyes from his peaceful looking son, enjoying the look of contentment on the younger, stressed, mans face.

"You don't really think this hoax will last do you? He's gonna be pissed when he wakes up, He didn't want this to happen," Harry told the older man, stroking some hair from the small blondes face as he felt the tickle of breath cross his chest.

"I have pretty good intuition" He winked, " though this can wait until later. I'm gonna get out of here before he wakes up. Good luck, Potter. You'll need it," And with that he left, closing the door quitely behind him.

Harry let himself settle back under the covers, shifting their body's so Draco was now facing towards the window, Harry behind him and holding him around his middle securely. The light filtered in through the blinds, making both men groan a little, Dray turning to be facing Harry and bury his face against the larger man again. 

That's when it hit Draco. This wasn't some sort of weird dream.

His eyes snapped open, making him gasp to himself at the sight of Harry Potter, glasses hanging off his nose, and naked wrapped up in his sheets.  The smaller man sat up quickly, scrambling to check the clock. 

Shit! Today was visiting day for parents at Hogwarts, and he was going to be late. Plus he had to deal with Potter before anything else. He felt his eyes tear up, and kept a hand over his mouth, just staring at Harry and curling up on himself. As he pulled his knees to his chest he felt his lip quiver.

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