Music tames the beast

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The three found themselves in a muggle cafe, but judging by the dark mark on the mans arm who stood behind the register not every aspect of it wasn't completely normal. The man saw the Draco and smiled, but when he caught sight of the two aurors behind him he paled.

"D-Dray, why are they here? I thought I was clean now," Said the cash register in a slightly panicked voice.

"They aren't here for you Daniel, we're just discussing some business about my office that's all. You're record is completely clear, I promise," Draco assured him, smiling a little and pulling his wallet from his coat.

Daniel held up a hand," free for you doc, always. I owe ya at least that much. I take it the usual? what about for you-" Dan stopped and caught eyes with Harry, he didn't move his gaze away one inch, "You're Harry Potter....What's Harry Potter doing with Draco Malfoy in a muggle cafe in London? Surely they wouldn't send the saviour of the wizarding world to have lunch with a Malfoy? Did they send you to bully doc?" he asked, narrowing his eyes.

"I assure you, we're only here for the regulated investigation. Though I can't promise I won't give him a hard time," Harry joked and grinned a little when the shorter blonde man turned around rolled his eyes. 

"Any problem you have with him, Mr.Potter, I assure you you won't be able to touch him without going through all the people he's saved. He's the Angel of Aftermath that's for sure. All those people after the war, phew, I don't know where they'd be without him!" Daniel informed Harry, making Draco smile a little shyly and take a seat at the he always sat at when he came here. 

"Three of the usual Danny, thank you. And please, I'm no angel so don't go around telling pople I am," He said, not cruelly, just suggestively.

"Well you'd really be an angel if you took me up on that offer for dinner," Dan grinned and winked.

"You know I can't do that. One, I don't have time to be dating. Two, you're my patient so it would be inapropriate. And three, you're married." Draco said, resting his chin on his hand, propped up on his elbow.

Dan sighed with a chuckle, "yeah yeah I know, can't help it you're a lovely lad." Draco let out a chuckle and waved his hand to dismiss the conversation and beckoned for Ron and Harry to sit. 

"Come on, I won't bite. Hard," Dray finished as he pointed to the chairs across from him. 

Ron sat on the other side of the table, which meant Harry had to sit by Draco. Draco scooted his chair closer to his edge of the table to give Harry some space and then shrugged of his coat, thanking the waiter as she brought them tea.

"So I don't take it you two saw anything wrong with my office. Usually they just pop in, glance around, and then say goodbye after a friendly chat. But you tw have stuck around, what, is this you're first time playing in the yard with the big dogs?" Dray asked as he sipped his tea. 

Ron took a drink and set the cup back down, "We've just got to ask you a few questions, here you go." The ginger handed Draco a small vile of verittaserum, "bottoms up blondie," 

"don't call me blondie please, as if I don't get teased enough," Draco said, not actually angry or offended. Surprisingly, he downed the small vile without hesitation or quarrel.

"Ok, first question. Are their any magical wards that aren't Ministry approved in your facility?" Harry asked him, reading off a small piece of paper from his pocket.

"No, the only blocks are on the filing office which hold patient records , and then there's one on the pharmacutical unit," Draco said easily, sitting back and crossing his legs, stirring 4 teaspoons of sugar into his tea to comply to his insane sweet tooth. 

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