Chapter 2

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A new girl came in the beginning of Yr 9. Her name isn't relevant. Not yet, anyway. She was kind and friendly making friends almost instantly with everyone. She wasn't the most beautiful but she had a sweet look about her. Everyone liked her immediately.

Like always, when there is a new student, the tutor asked another student in the new girl's tutor group to look after her. Before the new member came, the studnt was told that she wasn't asked to be best friends with the girl or anything. Just to look out for her and maybe let sit with her.

Back then, no one knew that the new girl was going to be so popular and fun, that anyone would be happy to help her and she would have no trouble finding new friends. The student who was to look after the new member, told the teacher that she would try her best to help the new girl fit in. Inside, she wondered to herself what the the new member would be like. She hoped that she wouldn't be stuck with someone really difficult or awkward.

I'll give the new girl a name now. Cassie, she was called. Cassie Bell. When Cassie came, the other girl, who I will also give a name, Kay, was glad that the tutor had given her the job of looking after the new girl. Cassie seemed like someone who would make a good friend and silly as it sounds, Kay felt like she had 'got there first' by being introduced to Cassie first as her "guide." She felt that she had more chance of being Cassie's friend. In a way, she was right.

Although Cassie chatted to everyone and seemed good friends with a lot of people, she was best friends with Kay. Kay was delighted at the attention she got from Cassie. She was the one who got invited to Cassie's house which was stylish and modern with expensive gadgets and fancy furniture of taste. Kay's Mum had hinted to her before that maybe Cassie was only really good friends with her at the moment and might not be forever. Kay never entirely got the hint and believed that she and Cassie would always be friends. Cassie was just so amazing. Of course, Kay would continue being friends with her old friends and hang out with them. She wasn't going to neglect them.

Unfortunately, although not all good things end, this dreamlike friendship did. All the sharing secrets, being equals and all ended around two or three terms after Cassie had settled in. Slowly, almost without Kay really noticing, Cassie began to change. She lost her soft sweetness and became sharper with her words. Sometimes, or rather quite often she said things to Kay that really weren't nice. For some reason, Kay never stood up to those words that pushed her down. Not until quite a bit later. Even when Kay did realise that Cassie was no longer who she used to be and had become someone so much crueler, for some reason,
Kay could not leave. When she thought about it alone, she could see no reason to stay - they didn't even really feel like friends anymore but it was like Kay just couldn't quite believe this. She kept thinking about all those nicer times and how Cassie had chosen her out of all those other girls that she could have been friends with. Maybe something was going on at home. Kay even asked once but that was a big mistake.

Soon, Cassie's inner ugliness was not only directed towards Kay when they were alone, but it began to show to others too. Yet it was not directed to everyone and anyone but to one girl. Why? Because she was weak. The girl was quiet and had little confidence. She'd never done anything horrible to Cassie but Cassie bullied her and bullied her. She never physically hurt her. No, instead she spoke mean words - they showered down like shards of sharp glass. She stole her homework and ruined and sabotaged. It was like Cassie's heart had been replaced with something cold and made of iron. And Kay did nothing to stop her. She knew it was wrong but she felt stuck within Cassie's grasp, afraid that she would become the next victim. Cassie had hinted often. Kay even followed Cassie's actions. Others stopped being Cassie's friend and whispered behind her back, horrified at her actions. They couldn't be her friend though anyway, even if they wanted to, as Cassie had pushed others away, forming an exclusive circle with Kay- at least that's how Kay saw it. People told Kay she was wrong, asked her what she was doing and told her to stop being manipulated by Cassie. Of course, they never challenged Cassie. They were too afraid of her to do that. That made Kay angry. Why did people think she was weak? Why didn't they challenge Cassie? She wanted to prove to them that she thought for herself. And so Kay carried on doing cruel things. Most of the time she only did it when Cassie did but other times on her own. And so she became a bully.

A/N not sure about this. Didn't flow as well as chapter before. Also not keen on chapter "name." Please comment :)


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