Chapter 1:New Starts in New York

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Waiting is something everyone despises, yet it's something we always have to do for the things we most look forward to in life,right? Well that's exactly what I'm doing right now, in this moment.I'm sitting inside a little retro diner.The floors are black and white checkered and all the seats are coated in a bright red leather.The sky outside is flooded black and I hear the droplets of rain against the ground making it seem like there's a waterfall outside.But the whole scene looks like something from a movie,so it's not all bad.

I bet this is all confusing...let me start from the beginning.

My name is Harper River, I came from England and Knight Worth High the worlds most exclusive school ,which is ridiculously hard to get into, have sent me a invitation/scholarship to their school. I don't know exactly how they found me or why they even want me. However me and my mom saw it as a opportunity,so we packed up for New York and here we are.

What we are waiting for you ask? Because KWH told us they will provide me a dorm to stay in with 4 other students. Sadly for me, all 4 of them are out being busy with their  'social' lives that they forgot the reception lady left MY key with them so they could let me in and give me my damn key.

So now, I have to wait for one of my 4 roommates to return to my dorm.What a great way to start my school year.

Just at that moment, the sound I was so craving to here, my phones rings.

"Miss.River, one of your roommate's have arrived."


"Honey, are you sure you going to be alright here? I don't want to leave you here.I mean what if they don't let you in? or what if they're locked out themselves? Or, or..."

"Mom will you relax?I'm going to be fine just go to your apartment. I will call you whenever I need help and I mean your only in Brooklyn, it's not that far from Manhattan."

"Ok, ok just please tell me if you need anything.Bye Harper, I love you."

After my mom squeezes me half to death I make my way into Knight Worth High's dorm room block. My heart started beating faster than i've ever felt before.I wasn't good at making new friends.And now I'm in a whole different country and the only people I know are my Mom and the lady that phoned me.

AKA : My new bestie.

As I enter the building,a rush of cold air hits me from the corridor and it feels like a gift from God after all that dragging suitcases around and walking from the diner to here.

The reception is quite spacious, all the walls are painted cream and there's a lovely grey patterned carpet on the floor.I see a women , I'm guessing the one I was on the phone with, grinning apologetically at me. Also theres a boy standing next to her with dark brown spiked up hair with a charming grin on his face. I wonder who he is...

"Harper Sweetie!" She says in a strong New York accent.

"I'm Rita I am so so sorry about this mix up... I hope we didn't keep you waiting too long... Any who, this is Jake, one of your 4 roommates. I am sure he will show you around and-"

"Sorry, but he's a boy? I thought dorms were supposed to be separated into genders?Erm-"

"Well here at KWH we expect you all to be mature and we like to grow you all up in to responsible adults, we trust our students to share different gender rooms.But if we hear of any inappropriate behaviour you will be out quicker than you can say 'Taxi'."

"Whoa wait are you from England? That's so awesome I've never heard a British accent in person!Haha do you like drink tea and stuff?" says Jake all quirky.


"Erm... sure I guess.Sorry can we just go to our dorm.I'm really tired."

Jake looks disappointed at the response.But I'm too tired to even care.Wow, I sound so horrible when I am moody.

"Oh yeah sure, the others should be back literally any second now."

Jake leads the way to a long golden staircase with red carpet, whoa. It looks magical.

"So we are in dorm room 15. They serve breakfast at 7:30 every morning downstairs in the dining hall. I can show you to class in the morning and I think thats all you need to know. Oh wait, here you go."

Jake tosses me my dorm key. FINALLY the thing I've longed to hold for what seems like a year.

Jake seems really nice to be honest.I'm glad his not one of those cliche asshole roommates.

"Thank you, for being nice.. you know what I mean sorry if I'm not the best company right now I'm just really tired."

"Its cool, I understand sorry for making you wait for the key, anyways here we are. Dorm 15."

He opens the door to a bedroom drenched in the colour red. Red walls, white floors and there's two bunk beds one on each side of the room and one single bed by the door.

"Wow this is a really really cool room.It's actually really spacious for 5 people sharing this one room."

"Yeah... You won't be saying that when the others get here."

As soon as he says that two girls pop in from the door. One has long, light brown gorgeously curled hair and olive toned skin. The other girl is rocking shoulder length platinum hair with pale skin. I kind of look like a potato next to these two girls.

"OH MY GOSH!!! You must be our new roommate!? Harper, right? My name's Hayley, Hayley Williams." Says the platinum blonde.

She surprises me when she wraps her arms around my neck and starts bear hugging me. Huh, De Ja vu.

"Good to meet Hayley," I say smiling back at her... It seems like I have pretty good roommates so far.

"Hello, I am Emily good to meet you!You can share the bunk with me if you like?"

"Yeah that'd be great. Thank you." She gives me space, and just gives me a warmly smile.

"Did somebody forget about little old me?" A boy walks into the room. He has dirty blond hair and bright big blue eyes.

"Erm, hey I'm Harper." I say nervously.

"Helllloooooo your majesty I am Levi,"

" Levi knock it off, just because she is British mean you have to talk like that."says Jake.

"Ok, ok." he says flopping on to his bunk bed acting like a toddler who wasn't aloud any candy.

I walked over to the bunk that Levi wasn't on and threw my bag on the freshly made top bunk with I assumed was mine since it was freshly made and the other was customised with scatter cushions.

I am so shocked at how great these people seem to be. My whole life I've been so shy to talk to new people but here I am in New York with 4 best friends laughing with each other.Trying to make me feel welcome.And i knew it wasn't going to be much longer until I was apart of their clique.

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