Chapter 2: Winning Bruises

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I awoke the next morning to the fresh scent of coffee, so half asleep me decided to hop on out of bed to find the source.

Only forgetting, I'm on the top bunk. Great...


"Oh my gosh, Harper! Are you okay what the heck just happened?"

Emily says jumping out of bed and helping me get up. Levi comes rushing out the bathroom with his toothbrush still in his mouth.

"Harper, you alright?" he says holding back his laughter.But at least the asshole is trying to act concerned.Important word ACT.

"Yeah guys, I think I'm good.I just... forgot I was even here." Yawning my reply to them.

"Well okay, if you're sure... start getting ready for breakfast. Jake and Hayley are waiting for us."

Okay. So. I just fell of my bed in front of my two roommates. I really hope this doesn't get around.I've had enough stories spread about me in my old school that I need a new start. And thats the main reason my mom agreed to let us move over here.

Once I put on the required school uniform; which is a white shirt, a grey blazer and a grey and gold tie. I put on my tights and skirt, comb my hair and put some mascara on and then I'm out the door with the others.


The school day went by really quick. Hayley showed me to my classes today which were biology, english, maths and history.

I learnt that this school was founded by someone called Elizabeth Harrington. Which is so useful in life. But it was still a much better school than my last one.

Yay school.

Right now I'm lacing up my trainers on the track field as I decided why not try out for track? I always loved running since I was young and I'm not going to lie.Im quite good at it too.

There are about 12 girls in total trying out and I am dying to make the cut.

From the track you can see all the footballers trying out too. I spot Jake waving at me.Huh, I never pictured him as a athletic guy.

As I'm about to wave back Levi runs up behind Jake and tackles him on the ground. I don't see how boys call girls weird when they are clearly the only weird ones around.

"Ok, get ready girls!" yells the coach.

All of us get into our positions and await the coach the start the countdown.

"On your marks, get set , GO!"

Instantly I jump up and run as fast as I can.My fingers straight and locked together. My feet in a continuous rhythm of hitting the floor and being in the air. The wind is hitting me in my face as I run into it.

I love running because it clears my mind completely I'm focusing on one thing and one thing only.

I see the start appearing close in the distance I'm nearly there.And from what I can tell. I believe I'm winning.

As my foot crosses the finish line I put my hands on my knees and start panting like a dog, literally.But I'm grinning like a idiot at the same time.

"Wow. We haven't seen someone finish that quick in over 2 years! Welcome to the team Harper. We practice 3 days a week on Monday's , Wednesdays and Fridays straight after school."

Im grinning wider to my self now as I feel like I've really accomplished something.Two whole years they haven't seen my speed. At least something has started going my way since I got here.

"Heyyy way to go! We was watching you from over there.You did awesome! Congratulations." Jake says grinning.

"Eh well we made the football team too." says Levi nonchalantly.

"Oh that's great, congratulations both of you." I say giving Levi small smile.

"Hey, why don't we celebrate with milkshakes? On me." says Jake happily.

"Yeah that sounds great. Let me just grab my bag."

They both nod and turn around to speak to their friends.

As I go to get my bag a girl ,slightly bigger than me, stands in front of me.

"Erm , hi ... can I help you?" I say curiously.

"No.No you can't. You wanna know why? Because you stole my place on that track team."

"Excuse me?"

"I've been on the track team since I joined this school okay? Yeah, I wasn't number one but I was always picked because never enough girls showed up. Now all of a sudden there is loads but you. Your the one who stole MY spot."

"Honey you just said it yourself, other girls tried out this year too.You can't just blame me.Listen sorry that you didn't make the team but I have to go."

"Oh no. Your not going anywhere."

I decide to just ignore her and try to walk around her but she yanks me straight back.

"Listen lady-" I say before getting cut off by getting punched in the face.

And she continues punching, kicking , you name it. She pushed me to the ground not even giving me a chance to fight back.

I'm praying to God she stops because honestly I think she's broke most of the bones in my body right now.

"Leave the track team, or this... Will happen again. You got it?"

She leaves me behind the bleachers where no one can see my bruised eye and my now bleeding leg. My legs are badly hurt.I don't want to risk getting up on them and I tried to call out for help but my voice just croaks and tears pour down my eye. Damn that girl was strong.

I just lay there, and hope Jake and Levi will find me soon.


A/N ~ Hopefully this a better chapter for you all :) Let me know. Also just to let you know Knight Worth High (KWH) is a high school and a boarding school (It is not compulsory to live there though.)

QOTC~ Do you like cliffhangers on chapters?

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