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The noise of the alarm clock just went on and on. Jazz's head spun as to why Danny hadn't turned off his own alarm clock. It was only seven in the morning and he would usually turn it off on the first beep. Jazz huffed and walked from her room to Danny's. She opened the door, ready to ask as to why he would let it ring when the air was practically knocked out of her. Danny wasn't there. The bedsheets were wrinkled and his blanket was thrown to the side.

 Jazz went over to the nightstand and turned off the alarm. Just in case he had accidentally turned invisible in his sleep, she whispered his name. 

"Danny? Danny are you here?" She felt around his bed but knew that it was no use since he has had his powers for almost a year and that there was no way that he would accidentally turn invisible.

Jazz knew that he had usual ghost fights throughout the night, but she hadn't once seen him out of his bed at this time. It worried her to think that something was really wrong. Her mother called from downstairs. 

"Jazz, Danny? Are you both ready to go to school?" Jazz cringed and quickly thought up an excuse for Danny. 

Doing her best to block out the worried tone in her voice, she answered back. "Danny walked to school early with Sam and Tucker this morning." She said as she stood in the door frame. Jazz heard rustling downstairs. 

"Well, alright. Jack and I are going to the store to get some supplies. Have a nice day!" Once Jazz heard the front door close, she took out her phone and dialed Danny's number. 

She couldn't help but pace around the room and couldn't quite shake the absurd feeling. "Come on, Danny. Pick up." Jazz sighed as the robot voice message came through instead of her little brother. 

All of a sudden, something caught her eye that laid on his desk. When she walked up to it, her hand went up to her mouth as she gasped. Danny's phone laid out on the desk, dead. He would've had his phone on him. With certain panic running through her veins, she dialed one of his best friend's number.

Her thoughts were racing as the phone rang. 

Maybe, Jazz thought, he is fine and actually did go to school early. She wanted so desperately to think that but just couldn't shake the terrible feeling she had. 

Sam answered on the second ring. "Jazz?" Sam was confused as to why Jazz would be calling her as early as it was. This also gained Tucker's attention as he walked beside her.

 "Is Danny with you?" Jazz hurriedly asked as she felt that the answer might've been yes.

 Sam stopped dead in her tracks. This wasn't the first time that Danny had been missing, but in the past, it was only for an hour or so. He was always here so they could walk to school together too. Tucker knew the look that Sam had. He knew that it involved Danny. 

"N-no he isn't with us. Jazz? What's going on?" Jazz sighed. "Meet me at my house. I'll explain to you as quickly as I can."

Sam and Tucker showed up two minutes later, for they were already on their way to pick up Danny. They found Jazz standing outside the house.

 As they walked up to her, Tucker asked, "What is wrong?" Jazz had been chewing her nails, which meant that she was nervous. Tucker didn't like seeing her nervous, especially when it associated with his best friend. Sam was hoping that it was nothing too serious. 

Jazz's eyes went wide. "I can't find Danny."

 Tucker chuckled a bit, which earned a harsh glance from Jazz. "Do you know who we are talking about here? This is usual, guys. Trust me, he will turn up in no time, with the usual excuse made for Mr. Lancer." Sam couldn't help but roll her eyes. 

"Those excuses are so old. He really needs to make up some new ones." Jazz crossed her arms as she looked at his friends.

"Guys, come on. You both know that he is usually here around this time. I mean, he always tries to beat the ghost and return for school before seven. The fact that he isn't here is haunting." 

Sam huffed. "Alright, alright." She glanced at Tucker's PDA for the time. 

"We have thirty minutes before first period starts. We can look around for him and for that stupid ghost that is most likely holding him up with witty banter."

The three of them began to walk down the street and more into the center of the town. They looked and scanned every inch of the sky for the sign of a ghost with white hair but they didn't see anything of that sort. Just some clouds floating in the blue sky.

 While Tucker was trying to find some way to track Danny down with his PDA, Jazz was mentally kicking herself for not bringing the boomerang that was locked into Danny's DNA. Sam, Tucker, and Jazz were getting more and more worried as the minutes ticked by. It had now been ten minutes since they first started searching. Sam and Tucker looked at Jazz questionably as she stopped. "I have to go back to the house now. It'll take me at least fifteen minutes to go back, then to drive to school. Oh, Danny please show up." Sam and Tucker nodded and said that they would make sure to keep looking. 

"Even if we are late," Sam said. "Mr. Lancer will just give us after school detention, which I don't care about." Jazz nodded and told them to update her on any information about Danny, then proceeded to walk back to Fenton Works.

Sam looked over at Tucker as he was fiddling with his PDA. "Have you gotten a trace of him yet?" She was getting impatient. Tucker sighed. 

"I've been trying and trying. His codes of ectoplasm are just too complex for me to map out and punch in." 

They began to walk farther down the sidewalk. Sam kept on looking up into the air, waiting for the boy to swoop down past them. Both of them flinched when something did speed right past them. They both looked at it urgently. It was an Amity Park News' van, and they were speeding towards a location a couple of blocks away. 

Sam and Tucker were both thinking the same thing.

 "Danny Phantom came to town?" Sam nodded. 

"He sure did."

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