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The red, but familiar eyes stared into the crowd. He saw all of the terrified civilians of Amity Park, clutching onto what hope remained. His mouth turned into a sly grin when he saw his former friends and family.

Dan's eyes met the ghost boy once again. He had a plan formed in his crazed mind. The evil ghost laughed. 

"Oh, they don't know about me?" The ghost swooped down to the floor, his cape swooshing with the movement.

Danny's glowing fists clenched. "They don't need to."

But it was too late. He was already tearing down Danny's life by the second. "

I'm Dan, or what you might see me as 'Danny'. I'm what you all get to look forward to-" He had been cut off by a blast in his side. Dan sharply turned around. 

"I thought that I was much smarter at this time. Must've thought wrong." Danny rolled his eyes. 

Dan took a glance at the Fentons. He smirked. "The only way you will turn out to be me is if your family and friends die. But I've got a better idea."

There was silence. Dash and his friends were ready to try to get Danny out of there but knew it wouldn't work if they tried. 

"W-what is it?" Maddie said with a quivering voice. Danny looked at him, wondering what in the world he was thinking. 

Dan's eyes turned cold, and his fang-like smirk emerged. "Watch."

Everyone was screaming. Dan had blasted a large ghost ray at Danny when he wasn't ready. Their ghost hero was now laying on the pavement, struggling to get up. 

"I'll kill him, to kill you." Dan's low voice filled the city. Maddie screamed as she cried. Jack and Danny's friends began to pound on the shield. Jazz screamed at Dan, hoping to get him to stop.

Danny's school and teachers watched him with fear. They began to all pound on the shield, but nothing was working.

 Danny slowly got up. "You won't win. I won't let you." Dan's laugh boomed. 

Danny's look hardened. "I said, you will not win!" And his ghostly wail came out from inside him. The whole place shook, causing them to stop pounding on the shield. They watched in amazement. 

Dan stumbled back from the strong waves. But he soon found the strength to give his own ghostly wail towards his younger self.

The wails were fighting each other. It made everyone realize how much these two were alike, and how much they looked alike. They were each other. 

Just as it seemed that there was some hope, Danny began to give out. He was out of energy to do anything. Danny's knees and hands hit the pavement as he struggled to regain breaths. 

Dan walked up to Danny. He looked at him. Dan saw the thermos on him and picked it up. "How pitiful." He said as he threw it to the side. Dan kicked him in the stomach, causing him to fall to the ground. 

"Is that how you were going to beat me again?" Danny's eyes scrunched up in pain. "With that stupid thermos that you use everywhere?"

Everyone held their breaths. Dan put his foot on his wounded chest. "Daniel James Fenton," He pointed his hand at him and it started to glow green with ectoplasm. 

"You really are a weak nobody after all."

A loud bang was heard and smoke immediately filled up the shield when Dan shot the ectoplasm. His whole family screamed out crying. Sam and Tuck didn't know what to do. 

Everyone was in a state of shock. Vlad soon came out of the crowd and flew up into the air. 

"Well, it looks like Dan is now here to stay. Danny was always so weak, I don't know why you all liked him." Maddie screamed at him. 

"What the hell have you done? I want my baby boy back! And you just-" Plasimus swooped down towards her. "He was a freak! Half ghost! Did you really want that thing roaming around Amity?"

Maddie began to swing at him, but Jack quickly got ahold of her. She began to hysterically cry into his arms. Sam, Tucker, and Jazz just stared at the shield, trying to see through the smoke. 

"Well, it looks like we won't be needing the shield now." He moved his hand down and the whole shield disappeared. The smoke quickly moved out into the crowd, away from Dan. Everyone coughed from it. They could see it getting more visible. Sam's eyes went wide.

"No way." She quickly looked over and saw the thermos. Sam ran for it, as everyone watched through the subtle smoke in confusion. Once she picked up the thermos, she yelled. "Danny! Catch!"

Everyone gasped. The smoke was near to nonexistent and Danny had put up an ecto-shield around himself at last minute. He soon went intangible and reappeared flying towards Sam. 

"Sam!" She threw it and he caught it in his hands. He swiftly turned around and pointed it in Dan's direction. 

He screamed, "You are nothing! You're-" but he was now sucked up in the thermos. Danny put the lid on the device. "Yeah, yeah. I heard you the first time." 

He looked over at Sam and engulfed her in a hug. "Thank you." He said into her ear. He pulled away and looked at his family. 

They stared at him. "Mom, Dad, I'm- I-" Maddie had run up to him and gave him a hug that he sure would've missed. 

"You're alive!" Jack said as he ran up to them both and joined in, along with Jazz. 

After a minute they all pulled away. Maddie looked at him. She ran her hand through his snow-white hair. 

"You're here and that's all that matters."

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