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His head was ringing with a pitch so bright that he thought his brain might as well explode.

All of his clones were gone. 

His friends' gadgets destroyed. 

Danny was bleeding profusely from his abdomen. 

Lovely, he thought. 

The ghost boy could hear a rumbling on the ground and took his eyes away from his enemy.

He continued to hear more pitter-patter. That was very confusing and strange to him considering his number one enemy was right in front of him. Danny gave a look over his shoulder and grimaced at the stinging pain of his stomach.

"What the hell," Vlad murmured. 

It was his entire English class, with Baxter as the lead. They were all standing a few feet behind him, their eyes filled with anxiety. 

"No! Everyone go back inside right now-" This was all Danny could say before Vlad interrupted him with a snarly laugh. 

"Let them see, Daniel! Let them see me finally turn you into a full ghost, you halfa. Let them witness the death of their beloved 'Danny Phantom.'" 

Sam, Tucker, and Danny all met eyes with fear iced around them. The ghost boy's view was abruptly changed as he felt a kick to the shoulder, and he was pinned to the grass. It whipped his view to Vlad once again. His eyes suddenly flamed bright red. His hand was bright and full of energy.

Enough energy to kill me a thousand times jeez-

And it was pointed right at his head. 

The boy was thinking and brainstorming so quickly that he thought that if he thought any more quickly that it would show on his face, through his eyes. The green-eyed boy had thought up something. It was something big, something that he would need every single ounce of energy that he could muster with his insides bleeding out. And he would need to go through with his crazy-as-hell idea at the right moment. Danny needed Vlad to believe he was not thinking of fighting back.

Well just ask for a miracle then, Danny, he thought to himself.

"We've seemed to have done this more than once, Vlad. Why not cut me some slack a little? Maybe tell yourself to back down-"

Another kick to the body- except this time right smack-dab in the abdomen. Their ghost boy screamed. 

"Oh shut the hell up you imbecile." 

"Hey!" It was Baxter's voice.

This is it.

"Stop that! You need to stop," Baxter said as he took a few daring steps forward. One ectoblast and he would not survive. 

Danny squinted his eyes and clenched all of his body, seizing whatever power he had left. It felt like he was taking it from his joints, his bones, the skin, and the brain. It was a feeling of warmness surging and collecting in his body. It was collecting all in one place. And that place was where his heart would have been. 

The ghost boy could hear Vlad's muffled laugh as he could not hear properly.

He could slightly hear Vlad started to talk back to his bully (used to be bully?) and that's when all of the power came out of him violently. 

Daniel sprung up from his position on the ground like it was nothing. Like he had not been shot. 

There was a green glow about him and it was in the air around his own body. His ghostly wail came out. He could not stop the power surging through his veins. Danny was fed up with Vlad and his enemies. He had a responsibility to keep the residents of his town, even the people he did not like, safe.

Danny could hear screaming and people around him groaning from the deafening sound.

And as soon as the vibrations of his powers started, it seemed like they ended. 

He opened his eyes and squinted, putting his hands on his knees. All of Vlad seemed to of vanished. He showed that he could not be pushed around.

Well, I'm kinda small, so I guess a tad bit.

He panted and wheezed and looked over at his classmates and friends. Once he connected his sight with Sam's, he let out a small smile. Danny was about to say something to Baxter when he almost stumbled to the ground. Sam and Tucker immediately ran to his aid. 

They both put an arm around them and hoisted him upright. "I think we need to go and patch you up once again, Danny," Sam said with a chuckle.

 With his white hair in his eyes a bit, he looked at Baxter and smiled. 

"Not that bad for a nerd, huh?"

the end 


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