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00:30 before.

Sam and Tucker's eyes watched Danny as he sprinted down the hallway, a ghost practically calling for his attention. The two best friends looked at each other for a mere second, then proceeded to march into class. 

As Sam swung open the door, the bell rang. Mr. Lancer sat at his desk and went over his plans. He didn't even bother lecturing the teens about almost being tardy. This had been a routine thing this past year. He heard the sound of their feet walking into the classroom. With his folders and papers in hand, he began to turn to the chalkboard to write down today's exercises. 

As he wrote, Mr. Lancer began to speak to the teens. "It's nice of you to join us Manson, Foley, and Fenton-" He had begun to turn around and the sight seemed to cut his sentence short. 

There was one empty seat and it didn't surprise him at all as to who it belonged to. The teacher sighed and shook his head. "And where is Danny Fenton today?" Mr. Lancer asked with a bit of annoyance in his tone. 

Sam and Tucker looked at each other with worry, but Sam quickly switched gears and began to play it cool. After all, they had been dealing with this for months now. "He's in the bathroom. It was an emergency thing." Sam explained. 

The bald man's eyebrows narrowed. "Well, I'll have to have yet another talk with him after school about this." He huffed and began to write their schedule for the period.

After the man was finished, he laid the piece of white chalk down and turned to the class. He motioned to the board as he explained. 

"We won't be getting much accomplished today, for there will be a school assembly in the gymnasium but here's what we will be doing today-" A student by the name of Dash Baxter rose his hand and began to speak, not waiting to be called on. 

"What is the assembly for, Mr. Lancer?" He sighed once again at the lack manners the teens didn't have.

Rubbing his head, he explained. "Every year, Caspar High holds an assembly for the entire student body. The principal talks about what he wants and expects out of each and every student. He wants responsible, courageous, and mannered students. If he saw Mr. Fenton, well, I'm sure he would faint of dismay."

 Everyone else let out a small chuckle, while Tucker groaned and put his head down on the desk. Meanwhile, Sam was staring daggers at Mr. Lancer's head. 

Only if you knew what he does for us, she thought. 

Only if you knew how courageous, brave and selfless he is. If you knew what he sacrifices- Suddenly, the pencil she was holding snapped in half. She huffed and threw the pencil into her book bag. 

Sam could feel Tucker's stare. "I know, Sam. I know." He began to nod in agreement. As Mr. Lancer began to lecture the class on the writing of an author not important to the goth as she kept her eyes locked on the door.


She was waiting for the return of her dear friend. By the time she looked away from the door, they were already twenty minutes into class. With Mr. Lancer's voice in the background, Sam looked out of the window, in hopes of seeing their friend in action, beating his enemies in the end. She sighed when her eyes only saw the grass and the grey parking lot of the school. \

The sun was still shining as it was during the walk to school. There were birds flying and bees buzzing around the window. The girl turned to her friend and began to whisper. 

"Hey Tuck, do you have a good excuse to get us out of here?" Tucker shook his head no. "I sure wish I did, Sam." The girl sighed once again, crossing her arms as she leaned back in her desk.

"And that explains why this topic is so important to cover. Are there any questions?" And a student did indeed have a question. Of course, it wasn't actually related to the topic. Mr. Lancer wanted to take his own question back. Hesitantly, he called on Mr. Baxter. 

"Yes?" Dash was eager to ask his question. "Can we watch the rest of Danny Phantom?" Everyone in the room began to smile and nod. 

"Can we?" Paulina squealed. Mr. Lancer was almost about to give in when the announcement came on over the speakers. 

"All students are to report to the gymnasium for a brief meeting." The teacher began to feel relieved. 

"Alright, everyone. File into the gym and sit in the middle section of the bleachers, understood?" Everyone groaned for they weren't going to have a chance to watch their town ghost hero.

Sam and Tucker walked out of the classroom, along with the rest of the class, and into the crowded hallway. Sam began to think. It had been almost an hour and there still was no Danny. He had also not healed completely from the fight with Vlad. An unsettling feeling had formed in the pit of her stomach. 

"Tucker, do you have a trace of Danny's ghost signature on your PDA?" Tucker scoffed. "Why are you so worried, Sam? I know that you think an hour without a sign is too long, but Danny has lasted in fights longer than this. He's a champ and we both know that." 

They were all now walking into the massive gymnasium, voices echoing off of the walls. Mr. Lancer's class sat in the section they were assigned and began to chat. 

"But if it will make you feel any better, I will check for his signature for you." Sam grinned with appreciation. "Thanks, Tuck." He smiled as he pulled out his device and held it in the air. 

"You know me: Mister Nice Guy." Suddenly, a teacher came over to the two. "I suggest you put that thing away before I give it to the principle." She said with a stern look. Tucker put it away sheepishly as Sam huffed. 

"Sorry, Sam." Tucker apologized as he unwillingly put his baby away in his pocket. 

Dash could be heard complaining from three rows down. "I can't believe that we couldn't watch more of yesterday's news today. It was all because of stupid Fenton-" The whole student body turned quiet as two bodies fumbled through the wall.

Who knew that they would have a show of their hero right there in front of them?

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