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Danny was at a standstill. 

What the hell was happening?

Vlad gave him a grin that showed that he had won the confusion of the boy and with one swift motion, flew out of the broken window.

Danny was left there as he stood in front of a crowd that had glued their eyes to him. He was puzzled as to what Vlad wanted from him. Why would he threaten him with Dan?

He let that thought slip from his mind for a moment to take care of the ghost who had put him in the gym and gave out his whereabouts. The ghost boy turned to a frozen Skulker. Maybe he could get some answers out of him?

Danny's intimidating green eyes gave him a look. Phantom pulled out the Fenton Thermos and twirled it in his hands. "Anything you got to say to me, might as well say it now before I suck you into this thing." Skulker wouldn't budge. He let out a small chuckle and turned his head away from the ghost boy.

 Danny shrugged. "Hey, it's your loss."  He pointed the thermos at the ghost and activated it.

When the deed was done, he felt the stares once again. He looked up at his two best friends and saw them puzzled as well. Suddenly, everything seemed to get louder. It first started with one question from his bully, Dash. 

"Who was that evil ghost, Phantom?" Then everyone started to add to that. "Who's the 'him' that he kept referring to?" He heard Valerie ask. 

"And why does he have a thermos like yours?" Paulina added.

His head began to pound like before. And just like it was on cue, his wounds began to sting like hell. The adrenaline of the fight was wearing off, and the tussle with Vlad sure didn't help with the healing. 

He cringed slightly, trying not to make it obvious that he was in pain, but Sam and Tucker noticed, as well did Mr. Lancer. 

"Phantom? Are you alright?" His teacher asked. Danny gave him a quick glance and began to assure them all. "Of course I am. There's nothing I can feel anyway." It was corny, but it would have been the truth if he wasn't fifty percent human as well.

Before he could get asked any more questions, he quickly flew out of the shattered window, sending a gust of wind over the student's heads. Danny knew that he would need to find somewhere safe where he could transform.

Boy's bathroom it is.

He went intangible and flew through the wall from outside. He stayed invisible and made sure to check the whole bathroom to make sure the coast was clear. He sighed in relief as he hovered to the ground. Danny let the rings absorb him once again, giving him charcoal black hair and pristine blue eyes. His skin tingled and his veins warmed.

Danny didn't know how much the wound had healed since the exhausting fight with Vlad, so he walked over to the scruffy mirrors and lifted up his shirt. His eyes were met with a wound that looked like it had healed a little. And he meant only a little.

"Why does a shot from Vlad out of all people have to take so long to heal?" He muttered to himself.

 After putting down his shirt, he began to wonder if they had canceled the assembly. He had decided that he would head back to the classroom after it was finished. 

The intercom quickly answered all of his questions. "All students are to report back to their classes. It is now the fourth period, please report to your fourth period." Danny sighed in relief. The boy had lunch this period. 

He walked up to the door and could hear the sound of sneakers squeaking on the other side of the wall. He decided to wait a minute until they all passed because he wanted to stay as unnoticed as possible.

When it was safe to come out of hiding, he pushed the bathroom door open with a creak. The halls were empty and he sighed in relief. Danny took his time walking to the cafeteria because if he would've walked any faster he swore he would've screamed. He cringed at the thought of another ghost attack happening today. There was no way that would be fun.

When Danny walked into the cafeteria, he didn't bother getting lunch. The room was full of voices bouncing off of the walls. He listened to some conversations and sure enough, they were talking about the tussle in the gym. Danny pretended not to hear these things and kept on walking towards his friend's table.

When Danny got there, he saw Sam with her usual salad, and Tucker with a hamburger grasped between his hands. When he sat down, he rests his head in his hands. 

A few seconds later, he heard Tucker clearing his throat. "So, um, what was that whole Vlad thing about, and Skulker too? I mean, I thought that Vlad would back off after your fight yesterday." Danny sighed and began to shake his head. The odds of finding out what Vlad had up his sleeve was at a bare minimum. 

"I don't even know what to think of this one, guys," Danny said. Sam looked at her blue-eyed best friend. After swallowing a piece of lettuce, she spoke. "And what are you going to do about tomorrow morning? Are you going to go?"

Sam could see the answer in his eyes already. "Of course." He answered. 

She rolled her eyes slightly. "Aren't you going to think it over a bit? We don't want any more rash decisions-" Danny stopped her there. He already had a plan. 

"Sam, listen to me. There will surely be a crowd there waiting for the confrontation, so I'll just go there human. I'll blend in easily. Even if he does pick me out, I'm sure he won't be stupid enough to blow my secret, because he knows that I would tell everyone his secret as well." The teens were impressed with his plan.

And they were sure to carry it out the next morning.

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