Chapter 4

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It is currently 4am and I have just sent my uncle back to bed after waking from my nightmare. I know my nightmare's are hard on both my auntie and uncle but they deal with it. I have decided that I will try talking to someone about everything but I just don't know when I'll be able to handle it.

I lay back on my bed and stare at the ceiling thinking about Dom. I don't know why but I can't seem to get him out of my head. I know he would never like me and I would never go there because he's Jade's older brother but some part of me wishes I could be with him.

When we had gotten back to Jade's place last night Kate was pacing in the lounge talking to herself, saying it was her fault even though she knows it's not and never will be.

Dom had reluctantly said goodbye to me before leaving while Jade said goodbye and left to go pack. Their father was so worried because I was technically under his care when I ran and he didn't want anything to happen to me. I apologised to everyone and Kate brought me home. I didn't eat or talk just went straight to my room.

I don't know what's going to happen today but I have a feeling I'm going to be watched like a hawk.

I lay there for a while thinking about everything and nothing at the same time before rolling over and looking at the clock, 6am. Wow, I've been thinking for a while.

I get up and go to my bathroom. I have a shower before wrapping my towel around me and going to find some clothes for the day.

I decide to go with black underwear and bra, a purple tank top, white crop top, jean shorts, black leather jacket and black ballet flats. I put on my mum's Pandora bracelet and my brother's wolf necklace before exiting my wardrobe.

I grab my iPad and put it in my bag before grabbing my dad's camera and my phone before leaving the room. I walk downstairs and here the front door close.

I walk into the kitchen and see Kate standing, eating a piece of toast.

"Morning Kate, sorry I didn't make breakfast this morning." I greet.

"Don't worry about it dear, your our niece not our maid. Now, I have to go back to work today and will be gone for a month or two and Carl has a business trip he has to go on for two weeks. You can either stay here or go to a friends, up to you but I want to make sure you'll be ok?"

"I'll be fine. I'll stay here because I'm not going to a friends just to scream in the middle of the night."

"Hun, you need to tell your friends, they'll understand."

"I don't care if they understand or not, if I want to tell them I will."

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to upset you." Kate says while looking slightly scared.

"I'm sorry." I say before running out of the house.

I can't believe my own family is scared of me. I would never hurt anyone physically nor intentionally, it's not in my nature so why would Kate be scared of me.

I look up and notice I'm already at school. I sigh and walk into the building, heading straight for my locker.

When I arrive at my locker I see Jeremy and Dom standing waiting for me.

"Hey guys." I greet, trying to sound happy but it clearly didn't come out that way because Jeremy flinched and Dom looked shocked.

"Fuck." I mumble.

"Look guys I'm really sorry, I didn't mean to sound harsh." I apologise before turning around to leave.

I feel someone grab my arm and I instantly know it's Dom because I feel the sparks.

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