1) Lightning Crack, Thunder Flash

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Karra heard a crack, like wood breaking but she couldn't be sure the storm was pretty bad and it could have been that, 'or someone trying to rob me' she thought. creeping out into the hall she peeked down the stairs and continued when she didn't see anything. She crept slowly down them and across the dining room toward the kitchen. When she reached it she sigh realizing her mistake, the door was swinging back and forth letting rain in, it must have blown open. She raced across the kitchen throwing her full weight on it to get it to close. When it finally clicked into place she leaned her back against it breathing hard. Just then another rumble galloped across the sky, She held her breath to hear it. It was petering to it's end when she realized she could still hear heavy breathing.

Only she was still holding her breath.

She slowly let out the breath she was holding and quietly sucked in another as her eyes scanned the room. Whatever it was had to be here somewhere. Lightning struck again and the room was briefly illuminated.


A shadow in the corner had twitched as the room filled with light.

Karra's eyes locked on it as she pushed silently off the door. She had been in this house for years she knew more than every nook and cranny. She knew cracks and creaks, and the best places for lighting and the drafty places and everything in between. It was no problem for her to silently creep up on her intruder. She was only feet away when another lightning bolt struck somewhere outside, she saw her intruder for a split second.

It appeared to be a he. Black jacket and pants on, no shoes, black water soaked hair laying flat on his head. Skin pale against all the black. However the most striking thing about him were the wings. They curled partially around him covering him, even more wet than his hair, a few feathers on the underside of his wings were a dark gray or black. One wing was covering his head as he curled in the fetal position.

'Thunderbird' Karra's mind whispered in disbelief.

He was real, everyone knew it, but few ever saw him in the flesh. Especially as close as she was now. There was a myth behind him.

He was born with wings as white as falling snow but when he was young he tried to fly without anyone around. He had been struck by lightning, burning some feathers to black and giving him power over the thunderclouds. That was why whenever there was a thunderstorm he came to the ground, it was the only time he came to the ground. He was bringing the lightning to earth.

Karra evaluated the boy in front of her. He did not seem very awe inspiring right now. He was drenched and shivering and very obviously scared. She thought threw the information as quick as she could. Her head was telling her that the story was impossible, and that she should call the cops or maybe just flag down a bird hunter that was bound to be out on the streets tonight hunting for the boy in her kitchen. Her heart, however, was telling her that right now that same boy, intruder or not, needed to get dry and warm before anything else.

Karra resumed her forward movement until she was directly beside the winged male. He seemed to know she was there, flinching away before she even reached out, but he was cornered with nowhere to run. "Hey" she whispered trying to be soothing, not one of her strong suits "it's all right, I'm not gonna hurt you". She reached to him again, he flinched again, this time his wing shifted revealing his face. She froze looking at it.

A long gash went from the left corner of his forehead down in a jagged diagonal line to his chin, blood was still coming from it and was covering a good portion of his face. She met his eyes for the first time, he met hers. His dark, almost black eyes, were filled with terror as he watched her, waiting for her to make a move. It was unnerving to see those black orbs drowning in a sea of crimson red.

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