6) Anger and Excuses

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**Karra's POV**

   I didn't have to wait in the break room for long before Brad came in, looking tired but smiling. He was putting his jacket on "hey, I'm ready, thanks for waiting".

   I got up and grabbed my bag, going over to him "no problem".

   We started heading out to the car. He zipped his jacket up and fished his keys out of his jeans, all the dancers changed into normal clothes before leaving. He grinned at me "Quint was feeling generous earlier, he gave me fifty and and kissed my hand when I went backstage".

   I laughed "yeah well can you blame him, the boys infatuated, maybe you should give him some hope and give him a little kiss back next time".

   Brad smiled as we went out to the parking lot and toward his car "maybe I should, I just don't know if I'm ready for a boyfriend you know, like what if I say yes and he suddenly wants me to stop doing this, I need the money I can't stop".

   I patted his back comfortingly as he unlocked his car "I doubt he would make you stop and if he tries you can break it off, and I didn't say date him just give him a bit of hope".

   He got in and smiled at me "I'll think about it, thank you for keeping me safe and giving me life advice".

   I leaned down to kiss his forehead "of course darling, drive safe". I watched him and waved as he left the parking lot before going to my own car, satisfied he was ok. I got in and started the car before driving out and toward home, happy to be done with the crowds.

   Then I remembered Icarus. I had actually totally forgotten about him while I was working, hopefully he was ok. I could see him freaking out over little things. I shook my head and focused on getting home, I wouldn't be able to calm him down if I didn't get there.

   I set myself to driving and actually got home in, what felt at least, like less time than it took to get to work.

   I was greeted with the last person I ever wanted to see again. I glanced over his stiff posture and the scruff over his face and the rumpled clothes. He stood like he had work to do and looked like he had spent weeks doing it without rest.

   I hated him.

   I almost went past the house just so I didn't have to talk to him but I would bet anything that Icarus was inside and freaking out because someone was at the door. I grudgingly pulled into the drive and made a show of ignoring him as I got my bag and everything out of the car before stepping out. The bastard stayed by the door, arms folded as he regarded me with disappointment.

   I slammed the car door closed and glared at him "what do you want".

   He gave an angry puff of breath at my tone "better watch yourself there girl, this is my house".

   I scowled but didn't move any closer, locking the car "actually it's not, it's mine, and I'm about to have you arrested for trespassing". He knew I meant it but I still pulled out my phone and brought the dial up.

   He glared daggers at me but stalked away from the door and down the drive to stand in the street next to his rusty old truck "you know what I came for bitch, just give it to me".

   I stormed to my door, keeping the phone ready "yeah I do know what you came for and no you can't have it".

   He was balanced on the balls of his feet "you can't keep me out forever and you know it bitch, you know exactly what I'm capable of".

   I unlocked the house door and shot and poisonous glare at him "and you know what I'm capable of, you should be far more scared than me, now leave you fuckshit before I call the cops". I went in and slammed the door, locking it and slyly watching out of the little window.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 14, 2016 ⏰

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