5) Home Alone

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**Icarus's POV**

   I watched out the window as she left, feeling some tensing leave my shoulders. I glanced around the living, not really sure what to do now. I bit my lip and headed for the kitchen, figuring that food was a good place to start at least.

   I went to the fridge and glanced at the note with her number, following the arrow to the phone. I knew how to work a phone of course but I doubted I would use it. I opened the fridge and got the rest of the casserole thing out. I glanced around, not really sure what I should do to with it. I'd never used a microwave before but I guessed that's what I needed.

   I went over to it and put the container inside before closing it, trying to figure out the number things on the side. it took a few minutes but I eventually figured out how to work it. I found the forks as I waited and got it out after yelping at the sudden beeping. I settled at the table and scarfed down the whole thing. I still wasn't used to having food so I was going to take advantage of this while I could. Of course Karra could get angry if I ate a lot.

   I hesitated but ended up grabbing just a water and going back to the living room. I found myself drifting over to the bookshelf, eyes latching onto the movies and books with the Harry Potter on the front. I hadn't ever heard of the series until last night but I found myself enjoying them quite a lot.

   I found the next movie and popped it in, sitting on the couch with a small wince. My side was very sore and my wings weren't used to being so tightly pressed for so long. I gently got back up and stood in the middle of the living room, slowly stretching out my wings. The bandaged one hurt as I stretched it but the muscles felt better after I moved them a bit. I was used to pain, I could handle this.

   After stretching through the previews I sat and turned the movie on. I relaxed against the couch arm to watch.


   I went through the whole fifth and sixth movies and three waters before I needed to go to the bathroom. I got up and went before cleaning up the living room, making so no one would be able to tell that I was even there. I found myself drifting upstairs.

   I hadn't gotten much of a look around before and I needed to know of Karra was dangerous or not. She seemed nice enough but so did con men.

   I went upstairs and decided to start with her room. I went in carefully, glancing around. It was fairly basic, a bed and a dresser and a wardrobe next to the window. There were a few pictures scattered over the walls and a lamp on the nightstand next to the bed. I started there, nightstands are where people would usually keep weapons. I opened the drawer and glanced over the contents, it held a few books and a notebook but no weapon.

   I closed it and went to the dresser. Searching through all the drawers I only found socks without matches and a few lost coins. I left them alone so as not to leave evidence of my search. Next I went to the wardrobe, opening both sides of it. It held a lot of fancy looking shirts and neatly folded pants but nothing that could actually be considered a normal weapon.

   I closed it back after making sure everything was in it's place. Before leaving I drifted to one of the pictures on the wall.

   It showed Karra, frozen in laughter with a joy I had yet to see in her. Her arm was looped around a man's neck and, from his proud grin and her obvious reaction, he looked like he had just told her a joke. I stopped, thoughts flying. Did she have a boyfriend, maybe a husband, did they live here, what if he came here while she was away, he probably has a key, what do I do then. I was already backing towards the door even as I studied the picture more. I stopped as I realized that, yes these two were intimate but Karra herself looked years younger than she did now. This picture must have been taken a while ago.

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