Byebye baby girl

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I was standing in front of a crowd.
I burst into tears.
"She's gone, she's dead, and so am i.
I don't know and I don't why she's gone. I just need her back. Adinia Ferguson you are a fucking asshole."
I couldn't stop as the words flew from my heart.
"I wrote a speech but I threw it away to go striaght from the heart. she was my wounded healer. broken battling I know she's some where. probably angry at the fact that her devil horns knock her halo off center but....
Everywhere I go now child I see you in every little thing. you broke my heart."
I looked at her lifeless body.
"It's so hard seeing you lying in that coffin cold and lifeless. it was so hard hearing you say goodbye. watching the heart monitor go flat. it was so hard watching the priest talk about you as if he knew you but hardest of all is that baby. you'll be six feet underground.
And I'll be way up here.
I'm never leaving this town. this place. I'm never going up on a stage again without your face in the crowd. I'm never going to climb to the top of a building if it takes me farther away from you. and sweetie why'd you have to break my heart. I'm glad my cancer will take me soon to see my little daughter again.

I'm sorry I've grown attached to these characters .
This was just jinxxs pov so there'll be more.

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