A Moonlight Chat

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  • Dedicated to Krista-Ann Tzeckas

The girl sighed as she looked up at the moon; it seemed much fuller than it was in her world.

Her world.

"Ah, looks like you couldn't sleep either. Something preying on your mind?" A woman came and leaned on the railing.

The first girl sighed; she looked down into the terrifyingly calm water the ship was floating through. "Well, I guess. Wouldn't anyone be mildly disturbed if night lasted two and a half weeks?"

The woman gave a noncommittal shrug. "Krista Krista..." The woman shifted her position so that she was comfortably looking out to sea as well. "I know that's not the problem here; thinking about home I presume? Or thinking of home?"

Krista Krista blushed. "It's not what you think--"

"Oh really? Your face says otherwise. Tell me about it--you may find that it'll make you feel better." The woman enjoyed the soft rocking of the ship underneath her feet; perfect sea conditions, like always.

"Anonabro, I--" Krista Krista sighed. "You know what? You're probably right. Are you sure it's okay though? I mean, we're here because of me and everything--I don't want to impose."

Anonabro waved her hand lazily. "Nah, I got nothing better to do. Besides, I don't blame you for coming here--I was meaning to pop in anyway, now's as good a time as any. I was surprised that you held out that long on our first trip too; most people pass out right after they pass through the medium I'm using. If anything, I should be the sorry one--is your hand hurt?"

"No, I'm good." Krista Krista brought her hand up for Anonabro to see; she flipped it so that Anonabro could be 100% certain of her statement. "See?"

Anonabro looked back to the sea after briefly inspecting Krista Krista's hand. "That's good. I'm glad there wasn't any bruising--I always have to hold my traveling companions' hands that tightly for fear of losing them. Now you know I wasn't joking when I said that you could literally die trying to follow me."

Krista Krista tucked some hair behind her ear. "Yeah. I was bracing myself for some pain, but that was too much. How do you do it? I mean, you have to deal with that sort of thing every single time you hop worlds, or universes, or whatever you want to call it."

Anonabro laughed. "Well, it's no ride around the merry-go-round, but if you did it for as long as I have you'd get used to the pain. It's kind of like when you go up in a plane, and you have to pop your ears to equalize your internal pressure with the pressure around you. Or when you dive, diving works too."

"Isn't there a little more to it? I mean, for you, in particular."

Anonabro scratched her head. "Mm? I guess my body composition might be tailored a bit differently now that I'm not exactly human anymore, but it's not so different from yours."

Anonabro turned; she smiled teasingly at Krista Krista. "Why? You want to disect me like some science experiment?"

Krista Krista made a face. "Ick."

Anonabro giggled. "Now, who is it that you're thinking of? Pick the poison: unrequited love, nostalgia, or heart break?"

"Urgh..." Krista Krista's face was a lovely shade of bright red. "Can I pick more than one?"

"Ooo, untraditional conventions. Shoot."

"Unrequited love--I think--and nostalgia."

Anonabro nodded. "This is going to be good."

Resting her head on her arms, Krista Krista closed her eyes to better recollect her thoughts. "I was just remembering a boy who was attracted to me, and the good natured teasing associated with too many bachelorettes in one place at the same time."

Anonabro twitched inperceptably, but didn't interrupt. "They used to call me Mrs. and insert the young man's name. It was all in good fun, and I enjoyed it too, but for the life of me I can't remember one of them. Well, I can remember the girl--as a generally warm impression--but still, I can't remember any details about her!"

Anonabro closed her eyes. "I see..."

Krista Krista smacked the railing lightly. "I remember the girl's younger sister so clearly--being close and all that jazz, but I don't even remember that girl's voice!" Krista Krista sighed. "It's a crying shame too, she really took care of me through the early years of my high school career. What an ingrate I am, for forgetting someone I owe so much to."

Anonabro propped her head on her hand. "You know, what I get from this is that maybe this older sister of whom you speak of wouldn't mind so much that she's become a mistaken identity to you."

Krista Krista looked over incredulously at Anonabro. "Really?"

Anonabro smiled sadly. "Yeah. It's not like you two spent so much time together that there was any real attachment there, right?"

Krista Krista looked back at the moon. "No, I don't know what was going through her head at the time, but I like to think that we were good friends."

Anonabro half closed her eyes. "You don't say..."

Krista Krista nodded. "I remember that she was slightly older--it's the only true fire fact I remember about her. Face, mannerisms, and voice are all lost to the mists of time--though I don't remember her leaving for such a length of time that my memory would fail me already."

"I see." Anonabro stretched luxuriously then patted Krista Krista good naturedly on the back. "Well, I hope you find this mystery girl and reunite; it sounds like there's quite a bit of catching up to do between you two. Reminds me of my own family."

Krista Krista raised her eyebrows. "I'm just speculating that maybe I can understand where you're coming from, since I had siblings once. A sister and a brother of my very own." Anonabro gave her no more than that and no room to maneuver in any questions. "This talk has been extrememly informing, but I'm sorry to say that I finally feel the day's wear on my body."

Krista Krista hugged herself lightly. "Oh, okay then. Have a good night."

Anonabro nonchalantly clasped her hands behind her head. "You're not going to bed yet?"

"No, I'm going to try to figure some more things out." She pointed towards the moon. "Besides, the beauty of this waxing moon never ceases to amaze me."

"Suit yourself." Anonabro raised a hand lazily in salute as she walked to the stairs leading below deck.

Krista Krista resumed staring up into the moon she'd pretended to be so captivated by as the ideas whirled through her mind.

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