Chapter 3 ~

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Madeline's POV

As the bell rang for lunch, I thought back to the classes I had earlier. I had French first, with Mrs. Peterson. Then I had Gym, which wasn't too bad, just more of the usual, like the teasing and tormenting. Them telling me I couldn't run fast because I was too fat and terrible thing about my mother. After gym I had math. Math was similar to in French, in the way that that there were a few girls making really hurtful comments all class.

So far, Britney has been a major pain in the ass, much more than in my earlier classes with her. She'd "sic" groups of girls to follow behind me, all of the wannabes, and to push me into the lockers, the water fountains, pretty much anything that was there. Who knew lockers were so hard? Not me, before today. Tomorrow I'll bruise for sure.

I sighed and grabbed my lunch from my locker, closing it after. As I walked away from my locker, I heard muttered insults and rumors about me.

"Wow, I wonder if she steals her clothes from hobos?"

“How many guys do you think she's slept with?"

"I bet it numbers in the hundreds"

"I've heard she cuts more than Sarah!"

"She's such a loser, and a bigger freak than that Lian kid!"

Tears were coming out of my eyes now, listening to what they thought about me. Did they know how much words hurt? How that they can leave you broken forever? 

Slut. Loser. Idiot. Worthless. Their words bounced around, inside my head.

I quickly turned around and ran into the closest bathroom, and into the closest bathroom stall. My eyes were still streaming with tears. I am nobody. Their right Middy. I am worthless. Everyone hates me, and no one cares. But if I died, all my pain would go away, and they wouldn't have to put up with me anymore! It's a win - win situation! 

Wait, what about Mrs. Peterson?

If I die now, SHE would miss me. And that was the solid truth. I'm not selfish enough to do anything that could hurt another person intentionally.

I COULD die, and for what? To prove to the bullies that they beat you? To let them WIN, and to show them I was too weak to even try?


I will never let them beat me.

I am stronger than them. And I always will be.

I sniffled a little, and dried my eyes. Then I opened the stall door, and to my surprise I saw a person standing there. The girl turned around, and she must have seen my wet eyes, for she just came up and did the thing that saved me more than any amount of personal pep talks could.

The girl just saw my face, and stepped up to me giving me the best hug I've ever had. It was full of sympathy, kindness, and the best part? I was just a random stranger in a bathroom, who has obviously just been crying. Did she care? 

Yes. She cared, and that made all the difference. 

After she hugged me though, I just lost it. It was the feeling of being hated, and ignored by all, even my parents, and then all of a sudden, a complete stranger, cared more than the people who brought me into the world. The waterworks started again, except that this time, the girl was there, holding me upright, and rubbing small circles in my back. It made all the difference. 

About fifteen minutes later, I had calmed down and surprisingly enough, felt better. The girl slowly released her grip on me, and looked me in the eye, then asked,

"You okay?"

I just mutely nodded. She sent me a small smile, and then slowly walked out of the bathroom. Only after she left did I realize I never did get her name.

I then pulled out my time table, checking to see what class I had next. Art. I could miss art. Yeah, I'll call in sick.

Pulling out my cell phone, I dialed the number of the Front Office. Imitating my mother's sharp and cold tones, I said "Hello, I am Dr. James, Madeline James’s Mother. I regret to inform you that she cannot go to her next class, because she has been feeling nauseas and will not be able to participate in her Art Class. Is That Okay?" 

The lady at the front desk replied instantly "Oh, of course! I hope that she starts to feel better soon! Thank you for calling in!"

I hung up on her, and slowly walked out of the bathroom, and started heading towards my locker. Opening it, I gripped everything I'd need for tomorrow, and relocked my locker. After putting everything into my backpack, and zipping it up, I started to walk slowly home.

~~~~~Author's Note~~~~~

So Sorry I didn't update last week my Narwhal Ninjas!! I went camping, and it was superrrrrr cold, I had to wear like forty BILLION layers... Actually it probably it was less, but I'm the shorts and short sleeve t-shirt kind of girl, so any layers are like a hundred layers on a normal person, but as you all know I'm actually not very normal..... yayyyyyyy...........I'm just kidding!! I'd MUCH rather be a fun weirdo, than a boring normal person.... being a weirdo makes life much funner :3 (YES FUNNER IS A WORD)

See you soon!! <3


"Fairy tales are more than true: not because they tell us dragons exist, but because they tell us that dragons can be beaten"

                                    ~G. K. Chesterton

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