Switching Sides

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Omygoodness I'm so so sorry this took so long. I feel horrible. But I hope I will be able to work on this fairly often. No promises tho. ~ AlaskaRose00

The Black Castle was, well, black. The stone walls were made of the same black rock the room Anora woke up in was made of. It was rather intimidating, thirty feet tall, with obsidian accents here and there. She could see why it was called the Black Castle.

"Whoa" Nora said, amazed. "Yes, this is the largest and only civilization in the Winter Woods. We are quite proud of it" Hea replied proudly. "Whose we?" Nora asked.

"Ahem, 'we' are the Darksier Army, trying to overcome the crushing repressing Light Landers. They kill any Winter citizens they can find, and wish to destroy us and this land."

"Ah, soooo, your the good guys?" "Yes, we're the good guys" Hea responded with a bit of a smerk.

By this time, they had traveled into the warm interior of the castle, and returned to the room Nora had woken up in.

"Lady Anora, you are welcome to explore the castle, but I have buissnes to attend to. I must take my leave." And with that, Von Hea swept out the door and down the hall.

Having nothing else to do, Nora decided to explore just as suggested. She slipped out the door, and went down the hall as well.

I wonder if I can find the kitchen? She thought. She was getting pretty hungry.

After 10 minutes of searching, and a few accidental detours to the armory, library and some sort of astronamy room, she had found the kitchen and filled up on bread left on the counter. She was just going back to the room when she heard voices.

"She does not suspect a thing. The Bearer has no idea what our real motive is. We will use her power to destroy the Lumnos and rule all of Satera"

Anora blinked once, prossessing the new information. Well. That was interesting. She thought as she padded back down the hall. Going back to the kitchen, she filled a canvas bag sitting on the counter with all manner of food.

Sneaking through the castle, she was almost to the gate when a voice rang through the hall, "Lady Anora, where are you going? We need you!" Von Hea's face was pleading with her to stay. "Please!"

"Yeah right, you jerk! I heard every word you said. I'm leaving!"

"It was a mistake! Please stay!"

"Fat chance snot-wad! Goodbye!" And with that she closed her eyes and thought of the tree she had hid in earlier. She vanished once again in a few wisps of white.

"Goddammit! I have got to stop doing that!" Von Hea swore as Anora left abruptly once more.

Meanwhile, back in the tree, Anora had a plesent meal of some kind of roast bird, and a few strange silver berries by the light of a fire.

"Well, this is all very nice, but I do need to find an actual place to stay." She mused out loud.

She left the fire burning as it didn't seem to catch anything in fire, and left to find... something anyway. Not really sure what she was looking for, Nora stumbled around for a while in the deep snow. After a while, the animals became more comfortable with her presence and gradually revealed themselves.

The first creature she saw was a bird the size of a hawk, but with pure black feathers. Next was a strange dark grey cat, about the size of a savanna cat. It seemed to like her, especially after she fed it some bits of the roast bird.

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