Chapter 2: Immortal Body

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"This is my master, Ohm the Justified."

Ordeus proudly introduced him. He told me that 500 years ago, a powerful entity capable of annihilating everything existed. That entity was Solaiman. He was more powerful than an overlord. He wreaked havoc in all of the continents of Chaos.

There were 16 overlords at that time. All 16 of them fought Solaiman but only 3 of them came back alive; Overlord Treia of the Heaven race, Overlord Argus of the Human race and Overlord Kaazam of the Demon Race.

They were pushed in a corner. Argus made a suggestion to seek help from somewhere not of this world. He was a summoner and in his research he found out that there are different worlds from Chaos. The other 2 overlords agreed to this solution.

Argus immediately laid out the summoning circle. He poured every bit of his magic power in that summoning. Light came out from the summoning circle and after there stood five people. Argus succeeded in his summoning but at the cost of his life.

The five heroes were namely, Kzech, Arden, Zu Yuan, Yoon Jae Ri, and Ohm. They were then called 'world travelers'. Along with them came forth five familiars from different planes. Ryuu of the dragon spirit plane, Prix of the Firebird spirit plane, Darin of the Tiger spirit plane, Gin of the Woodbeast spirit plane and Ordeus of the Fairy spirit plane.

These world travelers possess tremendous and unique powers. The two remaining Overlords took the liberty to train them for the upcoming battle with Solaiman.

When all heroes rose at the level of overlords, they sought Solaiman. They fought with all their might until they defeated him. All of Chaos celebrated the death of Solaiman. Their enemy was already dead but unfortunately they cannot go back to their own worlds. Argus has already died.

They started to make Chaos as their own home. Overlord Ohm gained the title Justified. Ohm journeyed the world in search of something to let him return to his own world. While the other four has found their own families and lived in Chaos peacefully.

During his journey, he stumbled upon a human girl who uses a different type of mana manipulation. The girl called it 'alchemy'. Curious, Ohm learned alchemy from the girl. The girl's name was Zusanne. They journeyed together until they both fell for each other.

Ohm no longer yearn to go back. They lived happily together for years but soon after, Zusanne got sick. Ohm used every means to save her. Magic nor Alchemy did not save the girl. Ohm lost his mind for some time and in that time, Ohm used alchemy to try to bring Zusanne back to life. Her body has already rotten and soon turned to ash but Ohm had never succeeded even once.

Without the body of Zusanne, he can no longer use alchemy to pull back her essence. He secluded himself in a cave. During his seclusion he made stone sculptures of Zusanne. Eventually, he thought of using his sculptures as medium for Zusanne's soul.

Ohm made a doll made of [Brigarin Crystal], the hardest crystal in all of Chaos. Once again he used alchemy but failed once again. For years he has tried it. Then he discovered a new method. He melded alchemy with magic and brought forth [Sorcery].

He tried and finally succeeded. But the essence that came inside the doll was not Zusanne. The doll became the first of the Automaton race.

Not giving up, Ohm tried his last attempt. This time he would use his own body as sacrifice for the life of Zusanne. Ordeus tried to stopped his master but he didn't make it. Ohm has died. The runes on Ohm's chest lit up and an entity came out. It was a little fairy, pinkish red skin and has a blonde hair. It was Aria.

At the last moment Ohm had finally made a connection with Zusanne's soul but it was short lived. And the result of that connection was Aria. A fairy with a bizarre ability called [Dimension Door].

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